Holly Oliver

Holly Oliver

I am working as a Tarjan Center Intern at the UCLA Tarjan Center. I am a Senior at The University of Arizona, graduating in December of 2023 with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with an emphasis on Art, Media, and Entertainment. I am very familiar with the work of the internship, having been involved in several programs at the UCLA PEERS Clinic, including PEERS for Young Adults, PEERS Bully Proofing Boot Camp, and PEERS for Careers. I am especially interested in working in this field. The PEERS Clinic genuinely taught me so much, and I feel confident applying the lessons I have learned through these various programs to academic, personal, and workplace settings. I have always had a genuine passion for helping others, explicitly supporting individuals with disabilities. I want to promote a more positive representation of individuals with disabilities in the media and eliminate the use of wrongful stereotypes.