
CARING Clinic: The Care and Research in Neurogenetics Clinic (the CARING Clinic) provides a multidisciplinary care setting by neurologists, child psychiatrists and geneticists that combines excellence in clinical diagnosis and management for children with ND and associated genetic syndromes. The clinic aims to address the disparity in care that individuals with ND often face, by providing comprehensive multidisciplinary care, medical education, and training. This clinic also provides opportunities for participation in longitudinal studies that lay a foundation for future clinical trials for rare genetic disorders and enhance precision medicine for ND.
Center for Cerebral Palsy at UCLA and Orthopedic Institute for Children: The clinic specializes in orthopaedic care and spasticity management of patients diagnosed with CP or other related neuromotor disorders. Patients at the Center’s interdisciplinary clinic receive a comprehensive evaluation by an experienced team. In setting treatment goals, ability is emphasized over disability. Patients and their families are an integral part of the decision-making process and treatments are tailored to meet the individual patient’s goals and needs. The social work team offers clinical care management, brief counseling, pre-operative psychosocial assessments, inpatient care coordination, and advocacy.
Kameron Gait and Motion Analysis Laboratory: Patients are referred to obtain a complete biomechanical assessment of their gait or other functional movements. In addition, a clinical assessment of their strength, passive range of motion and motor control is performed. Results are reviewed by the treatment team and incorporated into a treatment plan.
PEERS® Clinic: Under the leadership of Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson, the UCLA Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relationship Skills (PEERS®) is an evidenced-based, social skills training intervention for preschoolers, adolescents, and young adults with ASD, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, depression, and other socio-emotional problems.
UCLA Special Patient Care Clinic: The clinic provides comprehensive dental care for patients with special needs, including complex medical conditions and physical, emotional, and ID, DD, Down syndrome, and ASD. The social work team provides onsite clinical support (brief counseling, brief psychosocial assessments), family support (allocation of angel funds for dental services), as well as program management and development. Social work is also tracking patient outcomes and will work to present findings at national special patient care conferences and share about the impact of clinical social work being done with patients with special health care needs in Dentistry.