
Research Papers (Peer reviewed)

Frankel, F., & Weiner, H. The Child Conflict Index: Factor analysis, reliability, and validity for clinic-referred and non-referred children. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 1990, 19, 239-248.

Frankel, F. & Simmons, J.Q. Parent behavioral training: Why and when some parents drop out. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 1992, 21, 322-330.

Frankel, F. A brief test of parental behavior skills. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 1993, 24, 227-231.

Frankel, F., & Myatt, R. A dimensional approach to the assessment of social competence in boys. Psychological Assessment, 1994, 6, 249-254.

Frankel, F., Myatt, R., & Cantwell, D.P. Training outpatient boys to conform with the social ecology of popular peers: Effects on parent and teacher ratings. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 1995, 24, 300-310.

Frankel, F., & Myatt, R. Self-Esteem, social competence, and psychopathology in boys without friends. Personality and Individual Differences, 1996, 20, 401-407.

Frankel, F., Myatt, R., Cantwell, D.P., & Feinberg, D.T. Use of Child Behavior Checklist and DSM-III-R Diagnosis in predicting outcome of children's social skills training. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 1997, 28, 149-161.

Frankel, F., Myatt, R., Cantwell, D.P., & Feinberg, D.T. Parent assisted children’s social skills training: Effects on children with and without Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of the Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1997, 36, 1056-1064

Frankel, F. Videotaped Assessment of Parenting Practices: A Preliminary Report. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 1998, 13, 113-118.

Frankel, F., Myatt, R., Cantwell, D.P., & Feinberg, D.T. Do stimulants improve self-esteem in children with ADHD and peer problems? Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 1999, 9, 185-194.

Frankel, F. & Feinberg, D. Social problems associated with ADHD Vs ODD in children referred for friendship problems. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 2002, 33(2), 125-146.

Carpenter, E., Frankel, F., Marina, M., Duan, N. & Smalley, S.L. Internet treatment delivery of parent-adolescent conflict training for families with an ADHD Teen: A Feasibility study. Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 2004, 26, 1-20.

O’Connor, M.J., Frankel, F., Paley, B., Schonfeld, A.M., Carpenter, E., Laugeson, E. & Marquardt, R. A controlled social skills training for children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74 (4): 639-648 (2006).

Schonfeld, A.M., Paley, B., Frankel, F., and O'Connor, M.J. (2006). Executive Functioning Predicts Social Skills Following Prenatal Alcohol Exposure. Child Neuropsychology, 12 (6), 439-452.

Paley, B., O’Connor, M.J., Frankel, F., & Marquart, R. Predictors of stress in parents of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 2006, 27, 396-404.

Frankel, F., Paley, B., Marquart, R. & O’Connor, M.J. Stimulants, neuroleptics and children’s friendship training in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 2006, 16 (6), 777-789.

Frankel, F. & Myatt, R. Parent-assisted friendship training for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Effects associated with psychotropic medication. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 2007, 37, 337-346.

Laugeson, E.A., Frankel, F., Mogil, C., & Dillon, A.R. Parent-Assisted social skills training to improve friendships in teens with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2009, 39, 596-606.

Frankel, F., Myatt, R., Sugar, C., Whitham, C., Gorospe, C., & Laugeson, E. A Randomized Controlled Study of Parent-assisted Children's Friendship Training with Children having Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders2010, 40(7), 827-842.

Keil, V., Paley, B. Frankel, F. & O’Connor, M. Impact of a social skills intervention on the hostile attributions of children with prenatal alcohol exposure. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2010, 34, 231-241.

Frankel, F. & Mintz, J. Maternal reports of play dates of clinic referred and community children. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2010, DOI 10.1001/s10826-010-9437-9.

Frankel, F., Gorospe, C.M., Chang, Y. & Sugar, C.A. Mothers’ reports of play dates and observation of school playground behavior of children having high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 2011, 52, 571-579.

Bertrand, J., on behalf of the Interventions for Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Research Consortium (Floyd, R.L., Chasnoff, I.,  Wells, A., Bailey, G.,  Coles, C.D., Kable, J., Dent, D., Taddeo, E., Michener, K., O’Connor, M.J., Frankel, F., Paley, B., Gurwitch, R., Mulvhill, J., Chaffin, M.,  Grim, M., Olson, H.C. & Astley S.) Interventions for children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs): Overview of findings for five innovative research projects. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2009, 30, 986-1006.

Slusser, W., Frankel, F., Robison, K., Fischer, H., Cumberland, W.G., & Newmann, C. Pediatric overweight prevention through a parent training program for 2-5 year old Latino Children. Childhood Obesity, in press.


Frankel, F., Cantwell, D.P. & Myatt, R. Helping Ostracized Children: Social skills training and parent support for socially rejected children. In E.D. Hibbs & P.S. Jensen (Eds.), Psychosocial treatment for child and adolescent disorders: Empirically based approaches. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1995, pp. 595-617.

Frankel, F. Parent-assisted children’s friendship training. In E.D. Hibbs & P.S. Jensen (Eds.), Psychosocial treatments for child and adolescent disorders: Empirically based approaches. (2nd Edition) Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2005, pp.693-715.

Frankel, F., Sinton, M. & Wilfley, D. Social Skills Training and the Treatment of Pediatric Overweight . In W. O'Donohue, W. B. Scott & B. Moore (Eds.), The Comprehensive Handbook of Pediatric and Adolescent Obesity Treatment. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2007, pp. 105-116.

Frankel, F. Incorporating bully-victim interventions into clinic-based mental health service. In E. M. Vernberg & B. K. Biggs (Eds.), Preventing and Treating Bullying and Victimization. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010, 267-296.

Articles Published in the Popular Press

Whitham, C. “Leaving Your Child the First Day” in Childcare Southern California ,  Perspective Publishing, Glendale , 1988.

Whitham, C.  “Keeping Sane at the Holidays: An Ounce of Prevention…” in Tulsa Kids, December 1992.

Whitham, C. “ Holiday Rx: Sanity Saving Strategies” in LA Parent, December 1992.

Whitham, C. “How Mirroring Soothes and Solves” in PTA Today, March 1993.

Whitham, C. “Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Co-Parenting lifestyle keeps the knot in the ties that bind” in LA Parent, October 1993.

Whitham, C. “Parent-Power” in Going Bonkers,  December1993.

Whitham, C. “Attention Skeptics: Time-Out Really Works” in  PTA Today, January, 1994.

Whitham, C. “Winning the War Against Whining” in Ladies’ Home Journal Family Digest, October 1995.

Whitham, C. “Saying No to Adolescents” in Ladies’ Home Journal Family Digest, November 1995.