UCLA CART faculty member Dr. Alice Kuo receives American Academy of Pediatrics Education Award
All of us at the UCLA Center for Autism Research and Treatment (CART) congratulate Dr. Alice Kuo on receiving the 2013 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Education Award. See announcement in AAP News this week. Dr. Kuo will be given the award at the national conference at the end of the month.
Dr. Kuo is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Internal Medicine in the David Geffen School of Medicine, where she is the Chief of the Medicine-Pediatrics Section and directs the Combined Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Residency Program. Dr. Kuo received her B.A. at Harvard University, and M.D. and Ph.D. in educational psychology at UCLA. She completed her combined Medicine-Pediatrics residency at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and a primary care health services research fellowship at UCLA. Dr. Kuo has a long-standing research and clinical interest in the healthcare needs of individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders. As a CART faculty member, she leads the Training and Education Core for the UCLA CART NIH Autism Center of Excellence (ACE) grant and is a member of the Multi-Disciplinary Diagnostic Team, and provides general health screening and care, in the UCLA Child and Adult Neurodevelopmental (CAN) Clinic.