Local, State, and Federal Organizations and Services
- Tarjan Center for Developmental Disabilities tarjancenter.ucla.edu
- UCLA Autism Intervention Research Network on Behavioral Health www.airbnetwork.org
- UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior www.semel.ucla.edu
- ABC Partial Program
- Parenting and Children’s Friendship Program
- Secret Agent Society
- UCLA CAN Reach
- UCLA Early Intervention Program
- Pathway at UCLA Extension
- UCLA Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior (IDDRC)
- Expressive Movement Initiative
Federal Government Organizations
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/index.html
- National Institute of Mental Health http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/autism-spectrum-disorders-asd/index.shtml
National Organizations
- Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE) www.agre.org
- Autism Research Institute (ARI) www.autism.com
- Autism Society of America www.autism-society.org
- Autism Speaks www.autismspeaks.org
- Center for the Study of Autism www.autism.org
- OAR – Organization for Autism Research www.researchautism.org
- Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative sfari.org
California/Los Angeles Organizations
- Autism Society of America, Los Angeles www.autismla.org
- California Department of Developmental Disorders www.dds.ca.gov
- Fiesta Educativa Inc. www.fiestaeducativa.org
- Foothill Autism Alliance www.foothillautism.org
- The Help Group www.thehelpgroup.org
- Los Angeles Families for Effective Autism Treatment www.lafeat.org
- Special Needs Network, Inc. www.specialneedsnetwork.org
- Vista Del Mar www.vistadelmar.org
Local Regional Centers
- Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center www.elarc.org
- Frank D. Lanterman Regional Center www.lanterman.org
- Harbor Regional Center www.harborrc.org
- North Los Angeles Regional Center www.nlacrc.com
- San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center www.sgprc.org
- South Central Los Angeles Regional Center www.sclarc.org
- Tri-Counties Regional Center www.tri-counties.org
- Westside Regional Center www.westsiderc.org