Publications Archive
- Ramanathan, L., Hu, S., Frautschy, S. A., & Siegel, J. M. (2010). Short-term total sleep deprivation in the rat increases antioxidant responses in multiple brain regions without impairing spontaneous alternation behavior. Behav Brain Res., 207, 305-309. PMID: 19850085 (PDF)
- Pryaslova JP, Lyamin OI, Siegel JM, Mukhametov LM (2009) Behavioral sleep in the walrus. Behav Brain Res 201:80-87 (PDF)
- Shpak O, Lyamin O, Manger P, Siegel J, Mukhametov L. Rest and activity states in the Commerson’s dolphin (Cephalorhynchus commersoni). J.Evol.Biochem.Physiology 18: 97-104 (2009). (PDF)
- Thannickal, T.C., Nienhuis, R and Siegel, J.M. (2009) Localized loss of hypocretin (orexin) cells in narcolepsy without cataplexy Sleep 32:993-998 (PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. Sleep viewed as a state of adaptive inactivity. NatureReviews Neuroscience
Epub, Aug 5, 2009(PDF) - Scammell TE, Willie JT; Guilleminault C, Siegel JM, A Consensus Definition of Cataplexy in Mouse Models of Narcolepsy, Sleep Vol 32, No1, 2009 (PDF)
- Siegel JM, Gaps That Wake You Up, Sleep, Vol 31, No 12, 2008 (PDF)
- John J, Ramanathan L & Siegel JM, Rapid changes in glutamate levels in the posterior hypothalamus across sleep-wake states in freely behaving rats, Am J Physiol Regulatory Integrative Comp Physiol 295:2041-2049, 2008.(PDF)
- Lyamin, O.L., Peter O. Kosenko, P.O., Jennifer L. Lapierre, J.L.. Mukhametov, L.M., and Siegel, J.M. Fur seals display a strong drive for bilateral slow wave sleep while on land J. Neurosci. 2008; 28(48): p. 12614-12621 (PDF)
- Lyamin OI, Manger PR, Ridgway SH, Mukhametov LM, Siegel JM. Cetacean sleep: An unusual form of mammalian sleep. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2008 Oct;32(8):1451-84 (PDF)
- Lai YY, Hsieh KC, Nguyen D, Peever J, Siegel JM (2008) Neurotoxic lesions at the ventral mesopontine junction change sleep time and muscle activity during sleep: An animal model of motor disorders in sleep. Neuroscience 154:431-443.(PDF)
- Allada R, Siegel JM (2008) Unearthing the Phylogenetic Roots of Sleep. Current Biology 18:R670-R679 (PDF)
- Taepavarapruk N, Taepavarapruk P, John J, Lai YY, Siegel JM, Phillips AG, McErlane SA, Soja PJ (2008) State-Dependent Changes in Glutamate, Glycine, GABA, and Dopamine Levels in Cat Lumbar Spinal Cord. J Neurophysiol 100:598-608. (PDF). Editorial (PDF)
- Lyamin O. Lapierre J, Kosenko P, Mukhametov L, Siegel JM EEG asymmetry and spectra power during sleep in the northern fur seal. Journal of Sleep Research, 17: 154-165 (2008). (PDF)
- Burgess C, Lai D, Siegel J, Peever J (2008) An Endogenous Glutamatergic Drive onto Somatic Motoneurons Contributes to the Stereotypical Pattern of Muscle Tone across the Sleep-Wake Cycle. Journal of Neuroscience 28:4649-4660. (PDF)
- Siegel, J.M Do all animals sleep? Trends in Neuroscience 31: 208-213. (2008) (PDF)
- Lyamin O, Pryaslova J, Kosenko P, Siegel J (2007) Behavioral aspects of sleep in bottlenose dolphin mothers and their calves. Physiol Behav 92:725-733.(PDF)
- Deadwyler S.A., Porrino L., Siegel J.M., Hampson R.E. Systemic and nasal delivery of orexin-a (hypocretin-1) reduces the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance in nonhuman primates J. Neuroscience 27:14239 –14247 (2007).(PDF)
- Thannickal, TC, Lai, Y.Y. and Siegel, J.M. (2007) Hypocretin (orexin) and melanin concentrating hormone loss and the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Brain. 130. (PDF)
- Lapierre JL, Kosenko PO, Lyamin OI, Kodama, T, Mukhametov LM, Siegel JM Cortical acetylcholine release is lateralized during asymmetrical slow wave sleep in northern fur seals. J. Neuroscience 27:11999-2006 (2007). (PDF)
- Thannickal, TC, Lai, Y.Y. and Siegel, J.M. (2007) Hypocretin (orexin) cell loss in Parkinson's disease. Brain. 130, 1586-1595. (PDF)
- Thannickal TC, Siegel JM Hypocretin pathology in human narcolepsy. Narcolepsy and Hypersomnia. (Bassetti et al. Editors) pp299-304, 2007.(PDF)
- Siegel, JM Normal role of hypocretin/orexin. Narcolepsy and Hypersomnia. (Bassetti et al. Editors) pp355-358, 2007.(PDF)
- Mileykovskiy BY Kiyashchenko LI Siegel JM The activity profile of hypocretin neurons in the freely moving rat. Narcolepsy and Hypersomnia (Bassetti et al. Editors) pp 381-392, 2007.(PDF)
- Wang-Ping Hu, Jia-Da Li, Chengkang Zhang, Lisa Boehmer, Jerome M. Siegel, Qun-Yong Zhou Altered circadian and homeostatic sleep regulation in prokineticin 2-deficient mice Sleep: 30: 247-256, 2007.(PDF)
- Li JD, Hu WP, Boehmer L, Cheng MY, Lee AG, Jilek A, Siegel JM, Zhou QY Attenuated Circadian Rhythms in Mice Lacking the Prokineticin 2 Gene. J. Neuroscience 26:11615-11623, 2006. (PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. and Boehmer, L. Narcolepsy and the hypocretin system-where motion meets emotion, Nature Clinical Practice Neurology, 548-556,2006(PDF)
- Lyamin OI, Pryaslova J, Lance V, Siegel JM Sleep behaviour: Sleep in continuously active dolphins; Activity and sleep in dolphins (Reply). Nature 441:E11, 2006.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. The stuff dreams are made of: Anatomical substrates of REM sleep, Nature Neuroscience 9: 721-722, 2006. (PDF)
- Vertes, R.P. and Siegel, J.M. Time for the sleep community to take a critical look at the purported role of sleep in memory processing. Sleep 28:1228-1229 (2005).(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. and Vertes, R.P. Time for the sleep community to take a critical look at the purported role of sleep in memory processing, Rebuttal. Sleep 28:1232-1233 (2005).(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. Control of muscle tone across the sleep-wake cycle. In: The Physiologic Nature of Sleep, P.L. Parmeggiani, R. A. Velluti, eds.) Imperial college Press, pp281-302, 2005.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. The incredible shrinking sleep-learning connection. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 82-83, 2005.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. Clues to the functions of mammalian sleep. Nature 437:1264-1271, 2005.(PDF) [Source Data]
- Blouin, M., Thannickal, T.C. Worley, P.F. Baraban, J.M, Reti, I.M. Siegel, J.M. Narp immunostaining of human hypocretin (orexin) neurons: loss in narcolepsy. Neurology 65: 1189-1192, 2005.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. Hypocretin/orexin and motor function. In: Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience: The Orexin/Hypocretin System: Physiology and Pathophysiology (S. Nishino and T. Sakurai eds) New Jersey: Humana Press, 209-217,2005.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. An approach to determining the functions of hypocretin (orexin). In: Hypocretins: Integrators of physiological functions (L. de Lecea, J.G. Sutcliffe eds) New York: Springer, 253-259, 2005.(PDF)
- Lyamin, O. Julia Pryaslova, J. Lance, V. and Siegel, J.M. Continuous activity in cetaceans after birth, Nature 435:1177, 2005.(PDF) [Supplementary Information PDF]
- Movie [.WMF 3.6 Mb]
- Siegel, J. M. REM sleep. In: Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, Fourth Edition. Edited by M. K. Kryger, T. Roth, W. C. Dement. New York: Saunders, 120-135, 2005.(PDF)
- Mileykovskiy, B.Y., Kiyashchenko, L.I. and Siegel, J.M. Behavioral correlates of activity in identified hypocretin (orexin) neurons. Neuron, 2005(PDF)
- Zepelin H, Siegel JM, Tobler I Mammalian sleep. In: Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine (Kryger MH, Roth T, Dement WC eds), pp 91-100, 2005(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. Functional implications of sleep development. PLoS Biology, 3(5):e178, 2005(PDF)
- Ramanathan,L., Gozal,D. and Siegel, J.M., Antioxidant responses to chronic hypoxia in the rat cerebellum and pons. Journal of Neurochemistry, 2005, 93, 47–52.(PDF)
- Lai, Y.Y. and Siegel, J.M. Sensory-motor integration in the medial medulla. Current Neuropharmacology, 3:115-144, 2005.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. Sleep phylogeny: clues to the evolution and function of sleep, In: Sleep: Circuits and Functions., P.H. Luppi, editor, CRC Press, Boca Raton pp163-176, 2004.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M., Badr, S.M. and Krieger, A.C. When sleep is the enemy: the management of hypersomnia. Patient Care Magazine 39:30-39, January 2005. (PDF)
- Lyamin,O.I., Mukhametov,L.M., Siegel,J.M. Relationship between sleep and eye state in cetaceans and pinnipeds (Festschrift for Michel Jouvet). Arch Ital Biol.142:557-568 2004. (PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. The neurotransmitters of sleep. J of Clin. Psychiatry, 65:[suppl 16] 4-7 2004.(PDF)
- John,J. Wu, M.-F., Maidment, N. Lam, H.A. Boehmer, L.N. Patton,M. and Siegel, J.M. Developmental Changes in Csf Hypocretin-1 (orexin-A) level in normal and genetically narcoleptic Doberman pinschers j. Physol. 560:587-592, 2004.(PDF)
- John,J. Wu,M.F., Boehmer,L.B. and Siegel,J.M Cataplexy-active neurons in the posterior hypothalamus:: Implications for the role of histamine in sleep and waking behavior. Neuron 42, 619–634, 2004.(PDF)
PowerPoint presentation of figures from this paper [1.97MB] - Boehmer, LN, Wu, M.-F. John, J and Siegel, JM Pharmacological treatment delays onset of canine genetic narcolepsy and reduces symptom severity Experimental Neurology 188:292-299, 2004.(PDF) Mpg [81.7MB]
- Greene R., Siegel J. Sleep: A Functional Enigma NeuroMolecular Medicine., February 2004, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 59-68(10) Humana Press (PDF)
- Wu, M.F., John, J., Boehmer,L.B., Nguyen,G.B.. and Siegel,J.M. Activity of dorsal raphe cells across the sleep-waking cycle and during cataplexy in narcoleptic dogs J. Physiol. 554:202-215 (2004).(PDF)
- John, J, Wu, M.F., Kodama, T., Siegel, J.M. Intravenously administered hypocretin-1 alters brain amino acid release: an in vivo microdialysis study in rats. J. Physiol. 548.2:557-562 (2003).(PDF)
- Manger PR, Ridgway, S., Siegel J.M. The locus coeruleus complex of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) as revealed by tyrosine hydroxylase immunohistochemistry. J. Sleep Research 12:149-155, 2003.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. Neurobiology of the REM-nonREM sleep cycle, in Sleep and Movement Disorders, S. Chokroverty, W. A. Hening and A.S. Walters (Eds.), pp 44-49 (2003).(PDF).
- Siegel, J.M. Hypocretin administration as a treatment for human narcolepsy (Editorial), Sleep 26: 932-933, 2003. (PDF)
- Manger, P.R., Fuxe,K., Ridgway, S.H. and Siegel, J.M. The distribution and morphological characteristics of catecholaminergic cells in the diencephalon and midbrain of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Brain Behavior and Evolution64: 42-60,2004.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M Hypocretin (orexin): role in normal behavior and neuropathology Annual Review of Psychology 55:125-148, 2004. (PDF)
PowerPoint version of figure 3, Synaptic interactions of HCRT neurons.[248KB] - Siegel, J.M. Why we sleep. Scientific American 289 (5): 92-97, 2003. (PDF)
- Peever, J. Lai, Y.Y and Siegel, J.M. Excitatory effects of hypocretin-1 (orexin-A) in the trigeminal motor nucleus are reversed by NMDA antagonism. J. Neurophysiol. 89:2591-2600, 2003.(PDF)
- Thannickal, T.C., Siegel, J.M., Nienhuis, R., Moore, R.Y. Pattern of hypocretin (orexin) soma and axon loss, and gliosis, in human narcolepsy Brain Pathology 13: 340-351, 2003(PDF)
- Lai,Y.Y., Siegel,J.M. Physiological and anatomical link between Parkinson-like disease and REM sleep behavior disorder. Molecular Neurobiology 27: 137-151, 2003 (PDF)
- Siegel,J.M. The narcoleptic borderland: A multimodal diagnostic approach including cerebrospinal fluid levels of hyupocretin-1 (orexin A). Sleep Medicine (in press) 2003.(PDF)
- Kodama, T., Lai, Y.Y. and Siegel, J.M. Changes in inhibitory amino acid release linked to pontine-induced atonia: an in vivo microdialysis study. J. Neurosci. 23: 1548-1554, 2003.(PDF)
- Manger PR, Fahringer HM, Pettigrew JD, Siegel JM (2002a) The distribution and morphological characteristics of cholinergic cells in the brain of monotremes as revealed by ChAT immunohistochemistry. Brain Behav. Evolution 60(5):298-314, 2002 (PDF)
- Manger PR, Fahringer HM, Pettigrew JD, Siegel JM (2002b) The distribution and morphological characteristics of catecholaminergic cells in the brain of monotremes as revealed by tyrosine hydroxylase immunohistochemistry. Brain Behav. Evolution 60 (5):298-31,2002 (PDF)
- Manger PR, Fahringer HM, Pettigrew JD, Siegel JM (2002c) The distribution and morphological characteristics of serotonergic cells in the brain of monotremes. Brain Behav. Evolution 60(5):275-97, 2002 (PDF)
- Mileykovskiy, B.Y., Kiyashchenko,L.I. and Siegel,J.M. Cessation of activity in red nucleus neurons during stimulation of the medial medulla in decerebrate rats. J. Physiol. 545.3 997-1006, 2002. (PDF)
- Wu,M.-F. John,J. Maidment,N. Lam,H.A. and Siegel,J.M. Hypocretin/orexin release in normal and narcoleptic dogs: Effects of food deprivation, eating, sleep deprivation and movement, Am. J. Physiol. Regu, 283 : R1079-R1086, 2002. (PDF)
- Ramanathan, L., Gulyani, S., Nienhuis, R. and Siegel, J.M. Sleep deprivation decreases superoxide dismutase activity in rat hippocampus and brainstem, Neuroreport 13:1387-1390(2002).(PDF)
- Lyamin OI, Mukhametov LM, Siegel JM, Nazarenko EA, Polyakova IG, Shpak OV (2002) Unihemispheric slow wave sleep and the state of the eyes in a white whale. Behavioral Brain Research 129:125-129.(PDF)
- Gulyani, S., Wu, F., Nienhuis, R., John, J., and Siegel, J.M. Cataplexy related neurons in the amygdala of the narcoleptic dog. Neuroscience 112:355-365, 2002. (PDF)
- Mileykovskiy,B.Y. Kiyashchenko, L.I. and Siegel, J.M. Muscle tone facilitation and inhibition after orexin-a (hypocretin-1) microinjections into the medial medulla in decerebrate rats. J. Neurophysiol. 87:2480-2489,2002.(PDF)
- Kiyashchenko, L.I., Mileykovskiy,B.Y., Maidment,N. Lam, H.A, Wu,M.-F, John, J., Peever, J., Siegel,J.M. Release of hypocretin (orexin) in waking and sleep states. J. Neurosci. 22(13):5282-5286,2002.(PDF)
- Eiland, M.M., Ramanathan, L., Gulyani, S., Gilliland, M., Bergman, B.M., Rechtschaffen, A., and Siegel, J.M. Neurodegenerative changes in sleep deprivation. Brain Research 945:1-8,2002.(PDF)
- Lyamin, O.I., Mukhametov, L.M., Siegel, J.M., Manger, P.R., Shpak, O.V. Resting behavior in a rehabilitating gray whale calf. Aquatic Mammals 27:256-267, 2001.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. The REM sleep-memory consolidation hypothesis.Science 294:1058-1063, 2001.
- Lai, Y.Y., Kodama, T. and Siegel, J.M. Changes in monoamine release linked to pontine inhibition of muscle tone: An in vivo microdialysis study. J. Neurosci 2001;21:7384-7391.(PDF)
- Kiyashchenko LI, Mileykovskiy BY, Lai YY, Siegel JM (2001) Increased and decreased muscle tone with orexin (hypocretin) microinjections in the locus coeruleus and pontine inhibitory area. J.Neurophysiol. 85:2008-2016.
- Siegel, J.M., Moore, R.Y., Thannickal, T. and Nienhuis, R. A brief history of hypocretin/orexin and narcolepsy. Neuropsychopharmacology 25:S14-S20, 2001.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. A tribute to Nathaniel Kleitman. Arch. Ital. Biol. 2001, 139:3-10.
- Eiland, M.M., Lyamin, O.I. and Siegel, J.M. State related discharge of neurons in the brainstem of freely moving box turtles, Terapene Carolina major. Arch. Ital. Biol., 2001 139:23-36(PDF)
- Lyamin, O.I., Manger, P.R., Mukhametov, L.M., Siegel, J.M. and Shpak, O.V. Rest and activity states in a gray whale. J Sleep Res. 9:261-267, 2000.(PDF)
- Mileykovskiy, B.Y. Kiyashchenko, L.I. Kodama, T. Lai, Y.Y. and Siegel, J.M. Activation of pontine and medullary motor inhibitory regions reduces discharge in neurons located in the locus coeruleus and the anatomical equivalent of the midbrain locomotor region. J. Neurosci. 2000;20 8551-8558.
- Siegel, J.M. Phylogenic data bearing on the REM sleep-learning connection. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23:1007, 2000.(PDF)
- Thannickal, T.C., Moore, R.Y.,Nienhuis, R., Ramanathan, L., Gulyani,S., Aldrich,M., Cornford, M., Siegel, J.M. Reduced number of hypocretin neurons in human narcolepsy. Neuron 27:469-474, 2000.
- John, J., Wu, M-F. and Siegel, J.M. Systemic administration of hypocretin-1 reduces cataplexy and normalizes sleep and waking durations in narcoleptic dogs. Sleep Research Online, 3:23-28,(PDF) 2000.
- Hajnik, T., Lai, Y.Y. and Siegel, J.M. Atonia related regions in the rodent pons and medulla. J. Neurophys. 2000 84:1942-1948
- Siegel, J. M. Brainstem mechanisms generating REM sleep. In: Principals and Practice of Sleep Medicine, Second Edition. Edited by M. K. Kryger, T. Roth, W. C. Dement. New York: Saunders, 2000.
- Siegel, J.M. Narcolepsy. Scientific American, 282: 76-81, 2000. (PDF)
- Rechtschaffen, A. and Siegel, J.M. Sleep and Dreaming. In: Principles of Neuroscience. Fourth Edition, Edited by E. R. Kandel, J.H. Schwartz and T.M. Jessel, 936-947, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2000 (HTML)
- Siegel, J.M., Nienhuis, R., Gulyani, S., Ouyang S., Wu, M.F., Mignot, E., Switzer, R. C. Cornford, M. Neuronal degeneration in canine narcolepsy J. Neuroscience 19:48-257, 1999.
- Siegel, J.M., Manger, P.R., Nienhuis, R., Fahringer, H.M. and Pettigrew, J.D. Sleep in the platypus. Neuroscience 91: 391-400, 1999.
- Siegel, J.M. The evolution of REM sleep. In: Handbook of Behavioral State Control., Lydic, R and Baghdoyan (Eds.), pp 87-100, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1999.
- Wu, M.F., S. Gulyani, E. Yau, E. Mignot, B. Phan and J.M. Siegel, Locus coeruleus neurons: cessation of activity during cataplexy. Neuroscience 91:1389-1399 (PDF), 1999.
- Lai. Y.Y., Shalita, T., Hajnik, T., Wu, J.-P., Kuo, J.-S., Chia, L.-G., and Siegel, J.M. Neurotoxic N methyl-D-Aspartate lesion of the ventral midbrain and mesopontine junction alters sleep-wake organization. Neuroscience 90: 469-483, 1999.(PDF)
- Lai, Y.Y., Clements, J.R., Wu, X.Y, Shalita, T., Wu, J.P., Kuo,J.S. and Siegel, J.M. Brainstem projections to the ventromedial medulla in cat: A retrograde transport horseradish peroxidase and immunohistochemical study. J. Comp. Neurol. 408:419-436, 1999. (PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. Sleep. In: Encarta Encyclopedia, 1999-present.
- Siegel, J.M. Narcolepsy: A key role for hypocretins (orexins), Cell 98:409-412,(PDF) 1999.
- Reid, M.S., Nishino, S., Tafti, M., Siegel, J.M., Dement, W.C. and Mignot, E.
Neuropharmacological characterization of basal forebrain cholinergic stimulated cataplexy in narcoleptic canines. Exp. Neurol. 151:89-104 (Abstract & References) (PDF), 1998. - Siegel, J.M., P. Manger, R. Nienhuis, H.M Fahringer and J. Pettigrew, Monotremes and the evolution of REM sleep. Phil. Trans. of the Royal Soc., 353:1147-1157, 1998.(PDF)
- Kohyama, J., Lai, Y.Y. and Siegel, J.M. Reticulospinal Systems Mediate Atonia With Short and Long Latencies. J. Neurophysiol. 80:1839-1851, 1998.
- Kohyama, J., Lai, Y.Y. and Siegel, J.M. Inactivation of the pons blocks medullary-induced muscle tone suppression in the decerebrate cat. Sleep 21:695-700, 1998.
- Kodama, T., Lai, Y.Y. and Siegel, J.M., Enhanced glutamate release during REM sleep in the rostromedial medulla as measured by in vivo microdialysis Brain Research 780: 178-181, 1998.(PDF)
- Lai, Y.Y. and Siegel, J.M. Muscle atonia and REM sleep. In: Rapid eye movement sleep, B.N. Mallick and S. Inoue (Eds), Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 69-90, 1998. (PDF)
- Lai, Y.Y., Siegel, J.M. Brainstem-mediated locomotion and myoclonic jerks. I Neural substrates. Brain Res. 745:257-264, 1997.(PDF)
- Lai, Y.Y., Siegel, J.M. Brainstem-mediated locomotion and myoclonic jerks. II Pharmacological effects. Brain Res. 745:265-270, 1997.(PDF)
- Nitz, D. and Siegel, J.M. GABA release in the locus coeruleus as a function of sleep/wake state. Neuroscience 78:795-801, 1997.(PDF)
- Nitz, D. and Siegel, J.M. GABA release in the dorsal raphe nucleus: Role in the control of REM sleep. American J. of Physiol. 273:R451-R455, 1997.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. Sleep in monotremes; implications for the evolution of REM sleep. In Sleep and sleep disorders: from molecule to behavior. O. Hayaishi and S. Inoue (Eds.)., Academic Press, Tokyo, 113-128, 1997.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. and Harper, R.H. Sleep. In R. Greger, H.P. Koepchen, W. Mommaertz and U. Windhorst (Eds.) Human Physiology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1:1183-1197, 1996.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M., P. Manger, R. Nienhuis, H.M Fahringer and J. Pettigrew. The echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus combines REM and Non-REM aspects in a single sleep state: implications for the evolution of sleep. J. Neuroscience 16:3500-3506, 1996(PDF)
- Nitz, D. and Siegel, J.M. GABA release in posterior hypothalamus across sleep-wake cycle. American J. Physiol. 40:R1707-R1712, 1996.(PDF)
- Reid, M.S., Tafti, M., Nishino, S., Sampathkumaran, R., Siegel, J.M. and Mignot, E. Local administration of dopaminergic drugs into the ventral tegmental area modulates cataplexy in the narcoleptic canine. Brain Research 733:83-100, 1996.(PDF)
- Nitz D., Andersen A., Fahringer H., Nienhuis R., Mignot E., Siegel J.M. Altered distribution of cholinergic neurons in the narcoleptic dog. NeuroReport 6:1521-1524, 1995.(PDF)
- Nishino, S., Tafti, M., Reid, M., Shelton, J., Siegel, J.M., Dement, W.C., and Mignot, E. Muscle atonia is triggered by cholinergic stimulation of the basal forebrain: Implications for the pathophysiology of narcolepsy. J. Neuroscience 15:4806-4814, 1995. (PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. Phylogeny and the function of REM sleep. Behav. Brain Res. 69:29-34, 1995.(PDF)
- Siegel, J. M. Brainstem mechanisms generating REM sleep. In: Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, Second Edition. Edited by M. K. Kryger, T. Roth, W. C. Dement. New York: Saunders, 125-144, 1994.
- Reid, M.S., Tafti, M., Geary, J.N., Nishino, S., Siegel, J.M., Dement, W.C. and Mignot, E. Cholinergic mechanisms in canine narcolepsy: I Modulation of cataplexy via local drug administration into the pontine reticular formation. Neuroscience 59:511-522, 1994.(PDF)
- Reid, M.S., Siegel, J.M., Dement, W.C. and Mignot, E. Cholinergic mechanisms in canine narcolepsy: II Acetylcholine release in the pontine reticular formation is enhanced during cataplexy. Neuroscience 59:523-530, 1994.(PDF)
- Reid, M.S., Tafti, M., Nishino, S., Siegel, J.M., Dement, W.C., Mignot, E. Cholinergic regulation of cataplexy in canine narcolepsy in the pontine reticular formation is mediated by M2 muscarinic receptors. Sleep 17: 424-435, 1994.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M., and Lai, Y.Y. Brainstem systems mediating the control of muscle tone. In B.N. Mallick and R. Singh (Eds.) Environment and Physiology, Narosa Publishing, 62-78, 1994.(PDF)
- Mignot, E., Nishino, S., Hunt-Sharp, L., Arrigoni, J., Siegel, J.M., Reid, M., Edgar, D., Ciaranello, R., and Dement, W.C. Heterozygosity at the canarc-1 locus can confer susceptibility for narcolepsy: Induction of cataplexy in heterozygous asymptomatic dogs after administration of a combination of drugs acting on monoaminergic and cholinergic systems. J. Neuroscience 13:1057-1064, 1993.(PDF)
- Wu, M.F, Jenden, D.J., Fairchild, D.M. and Siegel, J.M. Cholinergic mechanisms in startle and prepulse inhibition:Effect of the false cholinergic precursor N-aminodeanol. Behavioral Neurosci. 107:306-316, 1993.(PDF)
- Carskadon, M.A., Rechtschaffen, A., Richardson, G., Roth, T., Siegel, J.M., (Editors), Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreaming, Macmillan, New York, 1993, 703 pages.
- Siegel, J.M. Pons. In Carskadon, M.A., Rechtschaffen, A., Richardson, G., Roth, T., Siegel, J.M., (Editors), Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreaming, Macmillan, New York, pp. 461-462, 1993.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. Medulla. In Carskadon, M.A., Rechtschaffen, A., Richardson, G., Roth, T., Siegel, J.M., (Editors), Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreaming, Macmillan, New York, pp 358-359, 1993.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. REM sleep Mechanisms. In Carskadon, M.A., Rechtschaffen, A., Richardson, G., Roth, T., Siegel, J.M., (Editors), Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreaming, Macmillan, New York, pp 510-513, 1993.(PDF)
- Siegel, J.M. Function of REM sleep. In Carskadon, M.A., Rechtschaffen, A., Richardson, G., Roth, T., Siegel, J.M., (Editors), Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreaming, Macmillan, New York, pp 507-510, 1993.(PDF)
- Lai, Y.Y., Clements, J.R. and Siegel, J.M. Glutamatergic and cholinergic projections to the pontine inhibitory area identified with horseradish peroxidase retrograde transport and immunohistochemistry. J. Comp. Neurol. 336:321-330, 1993.(PDF)
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