Webinar on Intersectionality: First-Generation College Students and Disability on February 27, 2019 from 1:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M.

February 21, 2019

The Tarjan Center at UCLA will present a webinar on Intersectionality: First-Generation College Students and Disability on February 27, 2019 from 1:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. Registration is required. Please register here: https://ucla.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lMaP30yCT7-Ie5Ko9t5Xkg


Why this webinar is relevant:

Students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are a rapidly growing college-going population that may require additional supports to be successful. Some of these students, like other students (e.g., with a variety of disabilities, or without disabilities) are first-generation higher education students. Their families may have limited familiarity and knowledge about college requirements and systems of supports. As such, these students may need additional guidance to achieve their full potential in the college setting.


As we retool our institutions to implement Guided Pathways and AB 705, and as we consider how to best serve and support the success of students with IDD (and other disabilities) we must also consider the intersections of other identifies our students may hold - to more fully support their journey as college students. First-generation college student status, is a common identifier that cuts across ethnic and socioeconomic groups and that presents challenges to success and opportunities for professionals, to positively affect student experiences in higher education. 


Webinar Content:

This webinar will provide an overview of some of the challenges and needs of first-generation college students with IDD (e.g., and other disabilities). It will highlight how addressing such issues can help community college professionals to better support students with disabilities who are also first-generation higher education students.  


Who should attend:

California Community Colleges’ Administrators, Chief Student Services Officers, Vice Presidents of Student Services, Deans for Student Services, Faculty, DSPS Coordinators and Directors, and Student Success & Equity Directors, as well as interested community partners. All are welcome.


The webinar has the following learning objectives:

  • Participants will learn about engaging first generation to college students and begin to consider how the layering of this identity with a disability may affect the student experience
  • As a result of participating in the webinar, participants will be able to identify simple ways to connect with the described student population at their institutions 


The webinar will be facilitated by:

Amber Perez, M.A., Director of College to Career and Assistant Director of Partners in Access to College Education for Students with Disabilities at Shasta College