Takkyu Volley Rec Day
Date & Time: Saturday, April 27, 2024 from 1pm-3pm (Doors open at 12pm)
Location: UCLA John Wooden Center, Collins Court
Join us to learn about and play a universal sport created and developed in Japan – Takkyu Volley – a fun game where two teams of six people sit around a table tennis table. Using long wooden paddles, each team volleys a small ball across the table under an elevated net. The rules for Takkyu Volley are generally based on the rules of six-player volleyball.
People of all ages and disabilities are invited to attend and play Takkyu Volley together.
Watch this short clip to see how to play Takkyu Volley.
UCLA is proud to host the premier of Takkyu Volley in the US. This Rec Day event is open to everyone.
UCLA Community Registration link (SSO Login Required)