2017-2018 Presentations

Laugeson lecture Leila flyer

June 13, 2018

Elizabeth Laugeson, PsyD. presented, “Dating 101: Teaching Ecologically Valid Strategies for Developing Romantic Relationships for Youth with Autism and Other Social Challenges” The presentation covered information on the unique challenges around dating for youth with ASD, identifying evidence-based methods for teaching dating, and learning ecologically valid strategies to promote successful dating for youth with social challenges.

Lecture Slides

Leila lecture Leila flyer

May 23, 2018

Leila Glass, P.h.D., presented “What Happens Next? The Transition to Adulthood for Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and Other Develomental Disabilities.”  The presentation covered information the neurodevelopment trajectory of cognitive and behavioral challenges from childhood to young adullthood, how symptoms associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities manifiest in the real work and how to identify evidence-based strategies and resources available to support the transition to adulthood. 

Lecture Slides

Nastassia lecture Nastassia fler

April 18th, 2018

Nastassia Hajal, Ph.D. presented, “Emotion & Self-Regulation in Parents of Children with Developmental Challenges” The presentation covered information on understanding how parental emotions influence parent-child interactions and/or child response to treatment, specific causes of stress in parents of children with developmental challenges, and how to address parental emotion and self-regulation during treatment for children with developmental challenges.

Nastassia Hajal talk

Ellis lecture Ellis flyer

March 28th, 2018

Alissa Ellis, Ph.D. presented, “ThinkSmarter, Not Harder: Improving Executive Functioning in Youth with Developmental Disorders”. The presentation covered information about what is meant by executive functions; strategies aimed at improving executive functioning; and gained key information needed to implement these strategies and how to effectively overcome obstacles.  

Lecture Slides

Ellingsen lecture Ellingsen flyer

February 21st, 2018

Ruth Ellingsen, M.D. presented, “Resilient Parenting of Children at Developmental Risk”. The presentation covered information about risk factors that challenge positive parenting of children at developmental risk, protective factors that lead to positive parenting in the face of developmental risk, and changes in predictors of parenting from early childhood to adolescence.

Bhatt lecture Bhatt lecture flyer

January 17th, 2018

Rujuta Bhatt, M.D. presented, “Get Moving: The Importance of Motor Function in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)”. The presentation covered information on identifying common motor and movement difficulties in ASD, the effect of motor difficulties on social communication, peer relationships, and overall health in individuals with ASD.

Vindia Lecture Vindia flyer

November 8th, 2017

Vindia G. Fernandez, Ph.D. presented, “Dyslexia 101: Identification and Treatment.” The presentation covered information on identifying difficulties and cognitive patterns commonly exhibited by children with dyslexia and other related disorders; key differences between assessment strategies used by educational professionals in the school setting and clinical neuropsychologists in the private/outpatient setting; and evidence-based interventions and where to find them in the community.

Lecture Slides

Laugeson lecture Laugeson flyer

October 18th, 2017

Elizabeth Laugeson, PsyD. presented, “Bully Proofing Strategies for Youth with Special Needs: Evidence-Based Skills for Handling Teasing, Physical Bullying, Cyber Bullying, and Rumors/Gossip” The presentation covered information on defining different forms of bullying, understanding prevalence rates in bullying, and identifying concrete strategies for handling bullying.

Lecture Slides