Pediatric Neuropsychiatry Clinic
In this clinic, services provided include psychiatric diagnostic assessments, case management, and medication management. The initial 2 hours psychiatric evaluation includes a review of the history as well as feedback to you and the referring physician (and others).
When indicated, referral for additional testing (i.e. EEG, blood tests, educational testing, speech and language, neuropsychological testing, neuroimaging, etc.). A variety of treatment approaches including medication, individual therapy, parent counseling, family therapy, etc.
In addition, short-term individual therapy is sometimes provided. However, because of the circumstances of the clinic, it is NOT possible to provide ongoing and more intensive therapeutic services. Thus, in those cases, where such services are needed, you will be referred to other appropriate providers. In addition, this clinic does NOT provide psychological assessments (i.e. cognitive testing, academic testing, and determination of learning disorders per se). Similarly, in these cases, where psychological/educational testing is needed you will also be referred elsewhere.
What to bring
When available, past records (from prior clinicians) and reports (psychological or neuropsychological testing, speech and language testing, school reports, etc) should be brought to the clinic for review and possible duplication.