Moya Devine - Two Women
A reclining woman, on the left, occupies the background wearing a black and gold mask. No part of her face is visible. She wears a low-cut bodice and a wig lays across her chest. Only her upper torso is visible and her upper right arm and shoulder bear a text tattoo. Another woman stands in the foreground but is much smaller than the reclining one. She wears a top hat pushed forward on her head and a t shirt printed with the American flag. Her hands are behind her head and her elbows protrude to the side creating a triangle form. The figures touch but we are not made aware of the nature of their relationship. The background surrounding the figures is black and grey.
- Medium: Collage, digital
- Dimensions (height, width of artwork): 16” X 20”
- Style and Technique: Collage was used to create this piece and a simple process of cutting out pictures and pasting them onto a panel. Photographs were then taken of the piece and the digital alterations were made resulting in the final image. This piece then became part of my nightstand for “the Nightstand” show at The Women’s Museum of Art, Liberty Station, San Diego.