Neil Marcus

Neil Marcus is an artist and performer living in Berkeley, California, USA. His books include Special Effects: Advances in Neurology, and Cripple Poetics: A Love Story, and The Princess and the Dragon  (a disabled fable). His most performed play is Storm Reading.

Major Influences:
100 million miracles [flower drum song] Dir. Gene Kelley
easy rider
the mothers of invention
re evaluation counseling
love revolution
Cyrano de Bergerac
performance art
human liberation
body as art
disable/d liberation
idea … weaving

At age 13 I began learning co-counseling. Theories of liberation and oppression. This enriched my thinking. My world. I could live. I could give. I could love. I had a brush with which to touch-up the world.  Ideas popping. I was radicalized. I had a vibrant self. I had expression. I had raves.

Artistic Discipline: 
Literary Arts, Visual Arts, Media Arts, Performing Arts
Disability type: 