Prabha Siddarth, PhD

I am an applied biostatistician - I design studies, formulate hypotheses, do power calculations, analyze data, interpret and report results and write grants. I concentrate on data from medicine, public health, and biology; in particular, I have developed and applied novel statistical methods in mood disorders, Alzheimer's disease, memory and aging, traumatic brain injury, pediatric epilepsy, learning and communication disorders, and schizophrenia. I am fascinated by early neuroimaging and genomic biomarkers of these disorders that can be useful for designing preventive and treatment approaches. I have also worked in other fields such as environmental health and kinesiology, and I even have experience modeling stock markets! This variety is precisely what makes me passionate about statistics. That, and the people - I love meeting and talking to people about their projects and working closely with them to understand and visualize their data.