Improving sleep quality in older adults with moderate sleep complaints: A randomized controlled trial of Tai Chi Chih.

TitleImproving sleep quality in older adults with moderate sleep complaints: A randomized controlled trial of Tai Chi Chih.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsIrwin MR, Olmstead R, Motivala SJ
Date Published2008 Jul
KeywordsAged, Aged, 80 and over, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Health Education, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Patient Satisfaction, Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders, Tai Ji

STUDY OBJECTIVES: To determine the efficacy of a novel behavioral intervention, Tai Chi Chih, to promote sleep quality in older adults with moderate sleep complaints.

DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial with 16 weeks of teaching followed by practice and assessment 9 weeks later. The main outcome measure was sleep quality, as assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI).

SETTING: General community at 2 sites in the US between 2001 and 2005.

PARTICIPANTS: Volunteer sample of 112 healthy older adults, aged 59 to 86 years.

INTERVENTION: Random allocation to Tai Chi Chih or health education for 25 weeks.

RESULTS: Among adults with moderate sleep complaints, as defined by PSQI global score of 5 or greater, subjects in the Tai Chi Chih condition were more likely to achieve a treatment response, as defined by PSQI less than 5, compared to those in health education (P < 0.05). Subjects in the Tai Chi Chih condition with poor sleep quality also showed significant improvements in PSQI global score (P < 0.001) as well as in the sleep parameters of rated sleep quality (P < 0.05), habitual sleep efficiency (P < 0.05), sleep duration (P < 0.01), and sleep disturbance (P < 0.01).

CONCLUSIONS: Tai Chi Chih can be considered a useful nonpharmacologic approach to improve sleep quality in older adults with moderate complaints and, thereby, has the potential to ameliorate sleep complaints possibly before syndromal insomnia develops.


Alternate JournalSleep
PubMed ID18652095
PubMed Central IDPMC2491506
Grant List5P30AG028748 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
M01 RR000865 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
M01 RR000865-358141 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
P30 AG028748 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
P30 AG028748-049004 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
R01 AG018367 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
R01 AG026364 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
R01 AG026364-05 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
R01 CA119159 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
R01 CA119159-04 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
R01 HL079955 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States
R01 HL079955-04 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States
R01-AG 18367 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
R21 AT000255 / AT / NCCIH NIH HHS / United States
R21-AT00255 / AT / NCCIH NIH HHS / United States
T32 MH019925 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
T32 MH019925-12 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States