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Di Y, Mefford J, Rahmani E, Wang J, Ravi V, Gorla A, Alwan A, Zhu T, Flint J.  2024.  Genetic association analysis of human median voice pitch identifies a common locus for tonal and non-tonal languages.. Commun Biol. 7(1):540.
Byrne K, Zheng S, Bishop S, Boucher J, Ghods S, Kim SHyun, Lord C.  2022.  Behavioral responses to fevers and other medical events in children with and without ASD.. Autism Res. 15(11):2056-2063.
Factor RS, Rea HM, Dahiya AV, Albright J, Ollendick TH, Laugeson EA, Scarpa A.  2022.  An Initial Pilot Study Examining Child Social Skills, Caregiver Styles, and Family Functioning in the PEERS® for Preschoolers Program for Young Autistic Children and their Caregivers.. Res Dev Disabil. 121:104152.
Siegel JM.  2022.  Sleep function: an evolutionary perspective.. Lancet Neurol. 21(10):937-946.
Tran AT, Del Rosario M, Nosco E, Li Y, Senturk D, Mcdonald NM, Wilson RB, Dapretto M, Jeste SS.  2021.  Early concerns in parents of infants at risk for autism.. Dev Med Child Neurol. 63(12):1410-1416.
Brumback AC, Wilson RB, Augustine EF, Bass NE, Bassuk AG, Cejas DM, Shellhaas RA, Strober JB, Tilton AC, Pearl PL.  2021.  Introducing the Child Neurology Society Leadership, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force.. Ann Neurol. 90(4):537-538.
Wilson RB, Vangala S, Elashoff D, Safari T, Smith BA.  2021.  Using Wearable Sensor Technology to Measure Motion Complexity in Infants at High Familial Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder.. Sensors (Basel). 21(2)
Jordan JT, Cahill C, Ostendorf T, Gutmann L, Navarro A, Gamaldo CE, Santini VE, Ali I, Soni M, Wilson RB et al..  2020.  Attracting neurology's next generation: A qualitative study of specialty choice and perceptions.. Neurology. 95(8):e1080-e1090.
Distefano C, Wilson RB, Hyde C, Cook EH, Thibert RL, Reiter LT, Vogel-Farley V, Hipp J, Jeste S.  2020.  Behavioral characterization of dup15q syndrome: Toward meaningful endpoints for clinical trials.. Am J Med Genet A. 182(1):71-84.
Burdekin ED, Fogel BL, Jeste SS, Martinez J, Rexach JE, Distefano C, Hyde C, Safari T, Wilson RB.  2020.  The Neurodevelopmental and Motor Phenotype of SCA21 (ATX-TMEM240).. J Child Neurol. 35(14):953-962.
Wilson RB, Elashoff D, Gouelle A, Smith BA, Wilson AM, Dickinson A, Safari T, Hyde C, Jeste SS.  2020.  Quantitative Gait Analysis in Duplication 15q Syndrome and Nonsyndromic ASD.. Autism Res. 13(7):1102-1110.
Ehrenreich-May J, Simpson G, Stewart LM, Kennedy SM, Rowley AN, Beaumont A, Alessandri M, Storch EA, Laugeson EA, Frankel FD et al..  2020.  Treatment of anxiety in older adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorders: A pilot study.. Bull Menninger Clin. 84(2):105-136.
Shum KKar-Man, Cho WKwan, Lam LMei Oi, Laugeson EA, Wong WShan, Law LSK.  2019.  Learning How to Make Friends for Chinese Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Hong Kong Chinese Version of the PEERS® Intervention.. J Autism Dev Disord. 49(2):527-541.
Prall SP, Yetish G, Scelza BA, Siegel JM.  2018.  The influence of age- and sex-specific labor demands on sleep in Namibian agropastoralists.. Sleep Health. 4(6):500-508.
Fowler EG, Staudt LA, Heberer KR, Sienko SE, Buckon CE, Bagley AM, Sussman MD, McDonald CM.  2018.  Longitudinal Community Walking Activity in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.. Muscle Nerve. 57(3):401-406.
Green SA, Hernandez LM, Bowman HC, Bookheimer SY, Dapretto M.  2018.  Sensory Over-Responsivity and Social Cognition in ASD: Effects of Aversive Sensory Stimuli and Attentional Modulation on Neural Responses to Social Cues.. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 29:127-139.
Argov Z, Bronstein F, Esposito A, Feinsod-Meiri Y, Florence JM, Fowler E, Greenberg MB, Malkus EC, Rebibo O, Siener CS et al..  2017.  Characterization of Strength and Function in Ambulatory Adults With GNE Myopathy.. J Clin Neuromuscul Dis. 19(1):19-26.
Hayward K, Chen AY, Forbes E, Byrne R, Greenberg MB, Fowler EG.  2017.  Reproductive Healthcare Experiences of Women with Cerebral Palsy.. Disabil Health J. 10(3):413-418.
Bethoux F, Fatemi A, Fowler E, Marciniak C, Mayadev A, Waksman J, Zackowski K, Suarez G, Blight AR, Rabinowicz AL et al..  2017.  Safety, Tolerability, and Sensorimotor Effects of Extended-release Dalfampridine in Adults With Cerebral Palsy: A Pilot Study.. Clin Ther. 39(2):337-346.
Kimberley TJacobson, Novak I, Boyd L, Fowler E, Larsen D.  2017.  Stepping Up to Rethink the Future of Rehabilitation: IV STEP Considerations and Inspirations.. J Neurol Phys Ther. 41 Suppl 3:S63-S72.
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Wiley JF, Cleary EH, Karan A, Stanton AL.  2016.  Disease controllability moderates the effect of coping efficacy on positive affect.. Psychol Health. 31(4):498-508.
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Diniz-Filho A, Abe RY, Cho HJin, Baig S, Gracitelli CPB, Medeiros FA.  2016.  Fast Visual Field Progression Is Associated with Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Glaucoma.. Ophthalmology. 123(4):754-9.
Ercan E, Magro-Checa C, Valabrègue R, Branzoli F, Wood ET, Steup-Beekman GM, Webb AG, Huizinga TWJ, van Buchem MA, Ronen I.  2016.  Glial and axonal changes in systemic lupus erythematosus measured with diffusion of intracellular metabolites.. Brain. 139(Pt 5):1447-57.
