Associations among pubertal development, empathic ability, and neural responses while witnessing peer rejection in adolescence.

TitleAssociations among pubertal development, empathic ability, and neural responses while witnessing peer rejection in adolescence.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsMasten CL, Eisenberger NI, Pfeifer JH, Colich NL, Dapretto M
JournalChild Dev
Date Published2013 Jul-Aug
KeywordsAdolescent, Adolescent Development, Brain, Child, Cognition, Empathy, Female, Functional Neuroimaging, Humans, Male, Peer Group, Puberty, Rejection (Psychology), Sex Characteristics

Links among concurrent and longitudinal changes in pubertal development and empathic ability from ages 10 to 13 and neural responses while witnessing peer rejection at age 13 were examined in 16 participants. More advanced pubertal development at age 13, and greater longitudinal increases in pubertal development, related to increased activity in regions underlying cognitive aspects of empathy. Likewise, at age 13 greater perspective taking related to activity in cognitive empathy-related regions; however, affective components of empathy (empathic concern and personal distress) were associated with activity in both cognitive and affective pain-related regions. Longitudinal increases in empathic ability related to cognitive and affective empathy-related circuitry. Findings provide preliminary evidence that physical and cognitive-emotional development relate to adolescents' neural responses when witnessing peer rejection.

Alternate JournalChild Dev
PubMed ID23379360
PubMed Central IDPMC3659192
Grant ListF31 MH084386 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
RR00865 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
RR12169 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
RR13642 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States