Resources near New York City

November 25, 2019

A reader asked:

Hi. I a 61 year old male RN recently diagnosed with Bipolar I. Yes, it's true, I've been arranging my life all these years to cope with an illness I didn't know I had. Well, I've reached the end of the self-help road, and am looking for someone who practices Family Focused Therapy to help deal with my illness. I'm on lithium and it seems to be working, especially now that I am off ritalin and cymbalta. Yes, someone thought I needed an antidepressant, and when I showed up at the office 4 months later, with pressured speech I was put on ritalin. Fast forward, nd I mean fast, to now. Is there an association of FFT trained therapists that you might knw uof? I'm about 100 miless from New York city. thanks


There is no FFT association, but there is a family clinic at Beth Israel Hospital where they practice family interventions based in part on FFT.  It's called the Zirinsky Center :

20 East 46th Street, Suite 1200 | New York, NY 10017 | (646) 850-2290

Good luck!

David J Miklowitz, Ph.D.