Catherine Herrera - Which way now?
Title: Which way now?
Year the art was completed: 2008
Medium: Watercolor
Dimensions (height, width of artwork): 11 x 16
Description: Rich ochre-colored background with the outlines of what appears to be a woman, yet, as if covered slightly by fog, or perhaps a view of her within the ground.
Describe the style and technique you used to create your art: This detail comes from a full-sized watercolor layered with drawing of the Golden Gate bridge in the background, a group of hawks fly into the west, crossing the bridge are cars and below is the water, and the sand of Crissy Fields, to the left a woman whose arms are counter crossed, her fingers pointing in opposite directions. Toy-looking boys float in the water below the bridge, and to the right, in the sand appears a figure both below and above ground.