BCCL Publications 2025
Bolt T, Uddin LQ (2025). “The brain is…”: A survey of the brain’s many definitions. Neuroinformatics, In Press.
Dhamala E, Ricard JA, Uddin LQ, Galea LAM, Jacobs EG, Yip S, Yeo BTT, Chakravarty MM, Holmes AJ (2025). Considering the interconnected nature of social identities in neuroimaging research. Nature Neuroscience, In Press. [Link]
Duan X, Shan X, Uddin LQ, Chen H (2025). The future of disentangling the heterogeneity of autism with neuroimaging studies. Biological Psychiatry, In Press. [Link]
Elliott MV, Hsu M, Uddin LQ, Modavi K, Johnson SL (2025). Introducing the glutamate amplifies noradrenergic effects (GANE) model to the neurocognitive study of emotion-related impulsivity. Clinical Psychological Science, In Press.
Quah SKL, Jo B, Geniesse C, Uddin LQ, Mumford J, Barch DM, Fair D, Gotlib IH, Poldrack RA, Saggar M (2025). A data-driven latent variable approach to validating the Research Domain Criteria framework. Nature Communications, In Press.
Schleifer CH, Chang SE, Amir CM, O’Hora KP, Fung H, Kang JWD, Kushan-Wells L, Daly E, Di Fabio F, Frascarelli M, Gudbrandsen M, Kates WR, Murphy D, Addington J, Anticevic A, Cadenhead KS, Cannon TD, Cornblatt BA, Keshavan M, Mathalon DH, Perkins DO, Stone W, Walker E, Woods SW, Uddin LQ, Kumar K, Hoftman GD, Bearden CE (2025). Unique functional neuroimaging signatures of genetic versus clinical high risk for psychosis. Biological Psychiatry, 97(2): 178-187. [Link]
Sigar P, Kathrein N, Kupis L, Uddin LQ, Nomi JS (2025). Age-related changes in brain signal variability in autism spectrum disorder. Molecular Autism, In Press.
Tripathi V, Batta I, Zamani A, Atad D, Sheth S, Zhang J, Wager T, Whitfield-Gabrieli S, Uddin LQ, Prakash RS, Bauer C (2025). Default mode network functional connectivity as a transdiagnostic biomarker of cognition function. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, In Press.
Zhang L, Oshri A, Carvalho C, Uddin LQ, Geier C, Nagata JM, Cummins K, Hoffman EA, Tomko RL, Chaarani B, Squeglia LM, Wing D, Mason MJ, Fuemmeler B, Lisdahl K, Tapert SF, Baker FC, Kiss O (2025). Prospective associations between sleep, sensation-seeking and mature screen usage in early adolescents: Findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study. Sleep, In Press. [Link]