BCCL Publications 2021

Baracchini G, Mišić B, Setton R, Mwilambwe-Tshilobo L, Girn M, Nomi JS, Uddin LQ, Turner GR, Spreng RN (2021). Inter-regional BOLD signal variability is an organizational feature of functional brain networks. Neuroimage, 237: 118149. [link]

Bolt T, Nomi JS, Bzdok D, Uddin LQ (2021). Educating the Future Generation of Researchers: A Cross-Disciplinary Survey of Trends in Analysis Methods. PLoS Biology, 19(7): e3001313. [link]

Das M, Singh V, Uddin LQ, Banerjee A, Roy D (2021). Reconfiguration of directed functional connectivity among triple networks with aging: Considering the role of thalamo-cortical interactions. Cerebral Cortex, 31(4): 1970-1986. [link]

Goodman ZT, Bainter SA, Kornfeld S, Chang C, Nomi JS, Uddin LQ (2021). Whole-brain functional dynamics track depressive symptom severity. Cerebral Cortex, 31(11): 4867-4876. [link]

Hanaei S, Takian A, Majdzadeh R, Maboloc CR, Grossmann I, Gomes O, Milosevic M, Gupta M, Shamshirsaz AA, Harbi A, Burhan AM, Uddin LQ, Kulasinghe A, Lam C, Ramakrishna S, Alavi A, Nouwen JL, Dorigo T, Schreiber M, Abraham A, Shelkovaya N, Krysztofiak W, Warkiani ME, Sellke F, Ogino S, Barba FJ, Brand, Vasconcelos C, Salunke DB, Rezaei N (2021). Emerging standards and the hybrid model for organizing scientific events during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, In Press. [link]

Kiesow H, Uddin LQ, Bernhardt BC, Kable J, Bzdok D (2021). Dissecting the midlife crisis: Disentangling social, personality, and demographic determinants in social brain anatomy. Communications Biology, 4(1): 728. [link]

Kolahchi Z, De Domenico M, Uddin LQ, Cauda V, Grossmann I, Lacasa L, Grancini G, Mahmoudi M, Rezaei N (2021). COVID-19 and its global economic impact. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1318: 825-837. [link]

Kupis L, Goodman ZT, Kircher L, Romero C, Dirks B, Chang C, Nomi JS, Uddin LQ (2021). Altered patterns of brain dynamics linked with body mass index in youth with autism. Autism Research, 14(5): 873-886. [link]

Kupis L, Goodman ZT, Kornfeld S, Hoang S, Romero C, Dirks B, Dehoney J, Chang C, Spreng RN, Nomi JS, Uddin LQ (2021)Brain dynamics underlying cognitive flexibility across the lifespan. Cerebral Cortex, 31(11): 5263-5274. [link]

Kupis L, Goodman ZT, Kornfeld S, Romero C, Dirks B, Kircher L, Chang C, Llabre MM, Nomi JS, Uddin LQ (2021). Body mass index moderates brain dynamics and executive function: A structural equation modeling approach. Aperture Neuro, In Press. [link]

Liloia D, Mancuso L, Uddin LQ, Costa T, Nani A, Keller R, Manuello J, Duca S, Cauda F (2021). Gray matter abnormalities follow non-random patterns of co-alteration in autism: Meta-connectomic evidence. Neuroimage: Clinical, 30: 102538. [link]

Lobo J, Goodman ZT, Schmaus J, Uddin LQ, McIntosh RC (2021). Association of cardiometabolic health factors with age-related executive function and episodic memory. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 2: 1-15. [link]

McIntosh RC, Hoshi R, Nomi J, Di Bello M, Goodman Z, Kornfeld S, Uddin LQ, Ottaviani C (2021). Neurovisceral integration in the executive control network: A resting state analysis.Biological Psychology, 157: 107986. [link]

Molnar-Szakacs I, Kupis L, Uddin LQ (2021). Neuroimaging markers of risk and pathways to resilience in autism spectrum disorders. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 6(2): 200-210. [link]

Momtazmanesh S, Samieefar N, Uddin LQ, Ulrichs T, Kelishadi R, Roudenok V, Karakoc-Aydiner E, Salunke DB, Nouwen JL, Becerra JCA, Vieira DN, Goudouris E, Jamee M, Khafaie MA, Shamsizadeh M, Golabchi MR, Samimiat A, Doostkamel D, Afshar A, Tabari MAK, Lotfi M, Boroujeni RY, Rambod N, Stashchak A, Volokha A, Pavalkis D, Pereira A, Latiff AHA, Baylarov R, Amirheidari B, Ch MH, Condino-Neto A, Rezaei N (2021). Socialization during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of social and scientific networks during social distancing. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1318: 911-921. [link]

Romero C, Uddin LQ (2021). Bilingualism, executive function, and the brain: Implications for autism. Neurobiology of Language, 2(4): 513-531. [link]

Roy D, Uddin LQ (2021). Atypical core-periphery brain dynamics in autism. Network Neuroscience, 5(2): 295-321. [link]

Schurz M, Uddin LQ, Kanske P, Lamm C, Sallet J, Bernhardt B, Mars RB, Bzdok D (2021) Variability in brain structure and function reflects lack of peer support. Cerebral Cortex, 31(10): 4612-4627. [link]

Snyder W, Uddin LQ, Nomi JS (2021). Dynamic functional connectivity profile of the salience network across the lifespan. Human Brain Mapping, 42(14): 4740-4749. [link]

Tzovara A, Amerreh I, Borghesani V, Chakravarty MM, DuPre E, Grefkes C, Haugg A, Jollans L, Lee HW, Newman SD, Olsen RK, Ratnanather JT, Rippon G, Uddin LQ, Vega MLB, Veldsman M, White T, Badhwar A (2021). Embracing diversity and inclusivity in an academic setting: Insights from the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Neuroimage, 229: 117742. [link]

Uddin LQ (2021). Brain mechanisms supporting flexible cognition and behavior inadolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 89(2): 172- 183. [link] 

Uddin LQ (2021). Cognitive and behavioral flexibility: Neural mechanisms and clinical considerations. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 22(3): 167-179. [link]

Xiao J, Chen H, Shan X, He C, Li Y, Guo X, Chen H, Liao W, Uddin LQ, Duan X (2021). Linked social-communication dimensions and connectivity in functional brain networks in autism spectrum disorder. Cerebral Cortex, 31(8): 3899-3910. [link]

Zhang J, Kucyi A, Raya J, Nielsen A, Nomi JS, Damoiseaux JS, Greene D, Horovitz SG, Uddin LQ, Whitfield-Gabrieli S (2021). What have we really learned from functional connectivity in clinical populations? Neuroimage, 242: 118466. [link]