BCCL Publications 2017
Bolt T, Nomi JS, Rubinov M, Uddin LQ (2017). Correspondence between evoked and intrinsic functional brain network configurations. Human Brain Mapping, 38(4):1992-2007. [link] Bolt T, Nomi JS, Yeo BT, Uddin LQ (2017). Data-driven extraction of a nested structure of human cognition. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(30):7263-7277. [link] Burrows CA, Timpano KR, Uddin LQ (2017). Putative brain networks underlying repetitive negative thinking and comorbid internalizing problems in autism. Clinical Psychological Science, 5(3):522-536. [link] Chen H, Nomi JS, Uddin LQ, Duan X, Chen H (2017). Intrinsic functional connectivity variance and state-specific under-connectivity in autism. Human Brain Mapping, 38(11): 5740-5755. [link] Chen H, Uddin LQ, Zheng J, Long Z, Zhang Y, Guo X, Duan X, Zhang Y, Zhao J, Chen H (2017). Shared atypical default mode and salience network functional connectivitybetween autism and schizophrenia.Autism Research, 10(11): 1776-1786. [link] Ciric R, Nomi JS, Uddin LQ, Satpute AB (2017). Contextual connectivity: A framework for understanding the intrinsic dynamic architecture of large-scale functional brain networks.Scientific Reports, 7(1): 6537. [link] Duan X, Chen H, He C, Long Z, Guo X, Uddin LQ, Chen H (2017). Resting-state functional under-connectivity within and between large-scale cortical networks across three low-frequency bands in adolescents with autism.Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 79(Pt B): 434-441. [link] Ivanova I, Zaidel E, Salamon N, Bookheimer S, Uddin LQ, de Bode S (2017).Intrinsic functional organization of putative language networks in the brain following left cerebral hemispherectomy.Brain Structure and Function, 222(8): 3795-3805. [link] Nomi JS, Bolt TS, Ezie C, Uddin LQ, Heller AS (2017). Moment-to-moment BOLD signal variability reflects regional changes in neural flexibility across the lifespan.Journal of Neuroscience, 37(22): 5539-5548. [link] Nomi JS, Gopal S, Dajani DR, Steimke R, Damaraju E, Rachakonda S, Calhoun VD, Uddin LQ (2017). Chronnectomic patterns and neural flexibility underlie executive function.Neuroimage, 147: 861-871. [link] Schreiner M, Forsyth JK, Karlsgodt KH, Anderson AE, Hirsh N, Kushan L, UddinLQ, Mattiacio L, Coman I, Kates WR, Bearden CE (2017). Intrinsic connectivity network-based classification and detection of psychotic symptomsin youth with 22q11.2 deletions. Cerebral Cortex, 27(6): 3294-3306. [link] Steimke RS, Nomi JS, Calhoun VD, Stelzel C, Paschke LM, Gaschler R, Goschke T, Walter H, Uddin LQ(2017). Salience network dynamics underlying successful resistance oftemptation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(12):1928-1939. [link] Uddin LQ, Dajani DR, Voorhies W, Bednarz H, Kana RK (2017). Progress and roadblocks in the search for brain-based biomarkers of autism and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Translational Psychiatry, 7(8): e1218. [link] Uddin LQ, Nomi JS, Hebert-Seropian B, Ghaziri J, Boucher O (2017). Structure and function of the human insula.Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 34(4): 300- 306. [link]