Amanda Gulsrud, Ph.D.

Amanda Gulsrud, Ph.D.


Dr. Gulsrud is an expert in social and behavioral treatments for young children with ASD or high risk for ASD, including developing and testing the Joint Attention Symbolic Play Emotion Regulation (JASPER) treatment, widely recognized as a major advance in the field Autism Speaks 2010). Currently Dr. Gulsrud directs the UCLA Autism Center of Excellence (ACE) “Baby JASPER” project, which aims to test the benefits of JASPER for children as young as 12 months at high risk for ASD and other developmental delays. Dr. Gulsrud is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry in the David Geffen School of Medicine and oversees the CAN Clinic, where she provides diagnostic evaluations and brief treatment for very young children with neuro developmental disorders.