Secret Agent Society

Social skills curriculum and training

The Secret Agent Society is evidence based social skills instructional program for children 8-12 years old.  Social skills are taught in a small group (4 to 6 children and 2 experienced clinicians) format. The program includes between session practice with a very appealing computer game:

There is an active parent component and the clinicians coordinate with each child’s teacher.  Parents and children are screened for eligibility by the clinicians.

Appointment times and place:

Group meets Mondays 6:15-8:15 pm at UCLA. Each group meets 10 sessions. There are 2 follow up booster sessions (3 and 6 months after the program ends).  Teacher contacts (2) scheduled with school by mutual agreement.


Karin Best, PhD and Ted Hutman, PhD


Intake: Many insurance plans cover an intake assessment

Program: fee for service

Full program, including computer game and all supplies and all sessions (1 for parents, 9 for children with a parent component, 2 teacher contacts, 3 month and 6 month follow up booster sessions.


Please contact Dr. Karin Best at (310) 206-2210 or