Adults (18 + years)


Individuals of all ages with a professional diagnosis of autism and their family members may participate.


SPARK: Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research and Knowledge is a landmark national autism research study designed to speed up research and advance our understanding of autism to help improve lives. SPARK will collect unique information from thousands of individuals affected by autism to give researchers the information they need to improve treatment and achieve scientific advances as rapidity as possible. More participants in SPARK means more good data for research.


Participation in SPARK can be done entirely at home – registration can be completed online and the DNA sample can be provided using a saliva collection kit mailed to the home. There is no cost to participate.


Upon completion of the registration process, the individual with autism will receive a $50 gift card.


Raquel Amador:

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Learn more about SPARK for Autism!

¿Qué es SPARK?

SPARK es el mayor estudio sobre el autismo que se ha realizado hasta la fecha y potenciará la investigación sobre el autismo en los próximos años. Creemos que para encontrar respuestas para usted, necesitamos entender lo que le hace único. Y lo que le conecta con los demás. Lo hacemos mediante el estudio de la información genética, conductual y médica.

¿Quién puede unirse?

¿Es padre o madre de un(a) hijo(a) con TEA? ¡Únase a nosotros! ¿Es una persona con un diagnóstico de TEA? Necesitamos de usted. No hay ningún costo para usted y mantenemos sus datos privados.

¿Cómo puede participar?

  • Cree una cuenta en línea.
  • Invite a miembros de la familia.
  • Entregue una muestra de saliva para el análisis de ADN.
  • [Descubra y participe en nuevas oportunidades de investigación sobre el autismo].

Raquel Amador:


  • You have one or more children the ages of 3 years and older with symptoms of autism.
  • Families must be of African American descent


To help researchers understand autism spectrum disorders in African American families.


  • One screening phone call.
  • One in-person visit to our clinic or community site for up to 6 hours.
  • Observations of children’s behavior.
  • Questionnaires and interviews for parents about themselves and their children’s development.


  • Participants will be paid $250.
  • Participants will receive a written feedback report summarizing the psychological test findings on their child(ren) with autism.

Contact or 310-794-4090

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Individuals who are:

  • Participants must be currently or previously enrolled in junior college, community college, or 4 year university
  • Participants are diagnosed with ASD


The purpose of this 20-week study is to support young adults with ASD in their transition to adulthood, including attaining employment. This study is part of the UCLA College to Career Transition Program.

Telehealth appointments are available. Participants will participate in:

  • Evidence-based social skills intervention focused on employment-related soft skills (such as building a resume, interviewing skills, finding a good career fit, and more)
  • Group treatment for young adults with ASD focusing on self-advocacy and problem-solving
  • Diagnostic services to help young adults and their families understand their strengths and weaknesses and identify a path forward


  • Specialized behavioral intervention aimed towards increasing social skills

Study coordinator: 310-267-3377 or

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Participants are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), ages 18-45 years old.


The purpose of this 16-week social skills program is to help adults with ASD learn skills to find and maintain romantic relationships, as well as to build stronger relational skills.


  • In-person or Zoom eligibility appointment with our clinic
  • Observations of social behavior, assessments, questionnaires
  • 16 weeks of evidence-based social skills intervention focused on dating and relationships skills (such as flirting, common interests, asking someone on a date, dating do's and dont's) in person or via Zoom
  • Group treatment for adults with ASD focusing on self-advocacy and problem-solving
  • 16-week follow-up with observations of social behavior, assessments, questionnaires


  • Specialized behavioral intervention aimed towards increasing dating skills.

310-267-3377 or

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PI: Mirella Dapretto, PhD


The purpose of this research study is to discover the different causes and characteristics of autism in boys and girls. Participants may be asked to complete on or more of the following: MRI’s, interview, EEG, blood draw, genetic testing, and neuropsychological testing.


  • 7 - 35 year old with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis


  • Study related assessments
  • Up to $440 in compensation for participants



Purpose: The purpose of the study is to test how well the English vs. Spanish ADOS-2 captures autism symptoms in bilingual individuals with or at-risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Involvement: Two visits (about 2-3 hours each), three weeks apart. The clinicians would administer the ADOS-2 in both Spanish and English, the Brief Observation of Symptoms of Autism (BOSA), cognitive testing and parent questionnaires.

Who: People who already have a diagnosis of autism or think they may have autism.

Ages: All ages!

Benefits: Families will receive a report and up to $100.00 for Amazon.

Contact:, (805)863-8678.

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Propósito: El propósito del estudio es evaluar si el ADOS-2 en Inglés o en Español captura mejor los síntomas del autismo en personas bilingües.

Requisitos: Dos visitas (alrededor de 2-3 horas cada una), con tres semanas entre medio. Los terapeutas administrarán la Escala de Observación para el Diagnóstico del Autismo-2 en Español e Inglés, la Breve Observación de los Síntomas de Autismo (BOSA), pruebas cognitivas y cuestionarios para padres.

Quien: Personas que tienen un diagnostico de autismo o piensan que tienen autismo

Edades: Todas las edades!

Beneficios: Familias recibirán un reporte con el diagnóstico e información adicional de la evaluación y una tarjeta de hasta $100.00 para Amazon.

Contacto:, (805)863-8678.

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