“Repurposing propranolol to improve chemotherapy outcomes”

Aeson Chang

Cancer & Neural-Immune Research Laboratory
Monash University


Aeson Chang is a final year PhD student in Cancer & Neural-Immune Research Laboratory at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Melbourne, Australia. He received his Bachelor of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences degree from the University of Nottingham Malaysia. His PhD studies under the mentorship of A/Prof Erica Sloan have discovered that chemotherapy exerts unexpected effects on B-adrenergic signalling in the tumour microenvironment and tumour cells. He will discuss his preclinical studies that show how pharmacological blockade of B-adrenergic signalling can enhance chemotherapy treatment.


Friday, 15th November, 12:00 - 1:00pm

Medical Plaza 300, 3rd Floor, Marisa Leif Conference Room


Refreshments will be provided


With questions, please contact Marina Samaltanos at ext: 58281