The Psychiatry Clerkship is integrated within the 8-week, full-time Psychiatry and Neurology Clerkship to enhance students’ understanding of the interplay between brain and behavior, and to introduce current clinical applications of modern neuroscience. The goal of the psychiatric portion of this clerkship is to provide students with the psychiatric knowledge essential for the general practice of medicine.
The course objectives will be achieved by having students meet these course requirements:
** Students will be observed conducting a psychiatric history and mental status exam and given feedback on this observation by an attending psychiatrist on the psychiatry clerkship. This evaluation must occur and be documented on the UCLA Psychiatry Clerkship Observation Sheet and returned to the student coordinator (Carla Vera, #C8-238) by mid-point of the clerkship to receive clerkship credit. These check sheets can be turned in when on the UCLA campus on Monday afternoons either directly to Carla or placed in the drop-box next to her office (sheet in orientation packets).
Evaluation of students:
Evaluation by Students: Students will be asked to evaluate all components of the Psychiatry Clerkship. Evaluations of clinical supervisors, mental status exam tutors, and the overall clerkship will be done using the Web at the completion of the clerkship. Lecturers are evaluated on site with teaching evaluations that are provided next to sign-in sheet.