Clerkship Educational Activities
- Clinical Assignments. The core clinical rotations will include five weeks on a mix of inpatient adult, adolescent, or geriatric inpatient psychiatric wards, outpatient psychiatric clinics, consultation service, and emergency department coverage.
- Didactic Sessions. Students will meet weekly in a lecture session format. An open-forum discussion and review session is scheduled for any and all issues and/or concerns related to the psychiatry clerkship. Students are required to attend and participate in all lectures and review session. Absences will require written make-up assignments on topic missed.
- Required Readings Weekly readings are assigned from Blueprints: Clinical Cases In Psychiatry, by Hoblyn, Neugroschl & Caughey, 2002 (2nd edition) & Synopsis of Psychiatry, Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry (10th edition) by Kaplan & Sadock (Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins). Both are required texts for the clerkship and available in the CHS Bookstore.
- Recommended Readings:
- Quick Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-IV-TR (ISBN-10: 0890420262 & ISBN-13: 9780890420263);
- Kaplan and Sadock’s Study Guide and Self-Examination Review in Psychiatry (paperback ISBN-10: 0781780438; ISBN-13: 9780781780438);
- Toy & Klamen’s Case Files Psychiatry (Lange Case Files), 2nd edition 2006 (paperback ISBN-10: 0071462821; ISBN-13: 9780071462822).