
Found 1170 results
Campo RA, Light KC, O'Connor K, Nakamura Y, Lipschitz D, LaStayo PC, Pappas LM, Boucher KM, Irwin MR, Hill HR et al..  2015.  Blood pressure, salivary cortisol, and inflammatory cytokine outcomes in senior female cancer survivors enrolled in a tai chi chih randomized controlled trial.. J Cancer Surviv. 9(1):115-25.
Fowler EG, Rao S, Nattiv A, Heberer K, Oppenheim WL.  2015.  Bone density in premenopausal women and men under 50 years of age with cerebral palsy.. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 96(7):1304-9.
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Levine ME, Cole SW, Weir DR, Crimmins EM.  2015.  Childhood and later life stressors and increased inflammatory gene expression at older ages.. Soc Sci Med. 130:16-22.
Irwin MR, Olmstead R, Breen EC, Witarama T, Carrillo C, Sadeghi N, Arevalo JMG, Ma J, Nicassio P, Bootzin R et al..  2015.  Cognitive behavioral therapy and tai chi reverse cellular and genomic markers of inflammation in late-life insomnia: a randomized controlled trial.. Biol Psychiatry. 78(10):721-9.
Doering LV, McGuire A, Eastwood J-A, Chen B, Bodán RC, Czer LS, Irwin MR.  2015.  Cognitive behavioral therapy for depression improves pain and perceived control in cardiac surgery patients.. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs.
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Schrepf A, Thaker PH, Goodheart MJ, Bender D, Slavich GM, Dahmoush L, Penedo F, DeGeest K, Mendez L, Lubaroff DM et al..  2015.  Diurnal cortisol and survival in epithelial ovarian cancer.. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 53:256-67.
Lieberman MD, Eisenberger NI.  2015.  The dorsal anterior cingulate cortex is selective for pain: Results from large-scale reverse inference.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112(49):15250-5.
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Davis LZ, Slavich GM, Thaker PH, Goodheart MJ, Bender DP, Dahmoush L, Farley DM, Markon KE, Penedo FJ, Lubaroff DM et al..  2015.  Eudaimonic well-being and tumor norepinephrine in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer.. Cancer. 121(19):3543-50.
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Muscatell KA, Dedovic K, Slavich GM, Jarcho MR, Breen EC, Bower JE, Irwin MR, Eisenberger NI.  2015.  Greater amygdala activity and dorsomedial prefrontal-amygdala coupling are associated with enhanced inflammatory responses to stress.. Brain Behav Immun. 43:46-53.
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Carroll JE, Seeman TE, Olmstead R, Melendez G, Sadakane R, Bootzin R, Nicassio P, Irwin MR.  2015.  Improved sleep quality in older adults with insomnia reduces biomarkers of disease risk: pilot results from a randomized controlled comparative efficacy trial.. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 55:184-92.
