Found 1172 results
Oxytocin receptor gene variation and differential susceptibility to family environment in predicting youth borderline symptoms.. J Pers Disord. 29(2):177-92.
2015. Perceived life stress exposure modulates reward-related medial prefrontal cortex responses to acute stress in depression.. J Affect Disord. 180:104-11.
2015. Personality and gene expression: Do individual differences exist in the leukocyte transcriptome? Psychoneuroendocrinology. 52:72-82.
2015. Plasma levels of soluble TNF receptors 1 and 2 after tDCS and sertraline treatment in major depression: Results from the SELECT-TDCS trial.. J Affect Disord. 185:209-13.
2015. Project connect online: user and visitor experiences of an Internet-based intervention for women with breast cancer.. Psychooncology. 24(9):1145-51.
2015. Psychological Adjustment in Breast Cancer Survivors.. Adv Exp Med Biol. 862:231-42.
2015. Psychological well-being and the human conserved transcriptional response to adversity.. PLoS One. 10(3):e0121839.
2015. Reinstating Aberrant mTORC1 Activity in Huntington's Disease Mice Improves Disease Phenotypes. Neuron. 85:303–315.
2015. Reproducibility and optimization of in vivo human diffusion-weighted MRS of the corpus callosum at 3 T and 7 T.. NMR Biomed. 28(8):976-987.
2015. The role of the ventral striatum in inflammatory-induced approach toward support figures.. Brain Behav Immun. 44:247-52.
2015. Self-reported sleep duration mitigates the association between inflammation and cognitive functioning in hospitalized older men.. Front Psychol. 6:1004.
2015. Sex differences in depressive and socioemotional responses to an inflammatory challenge: implications for sex differences in depression.. Neuropsychopharmacology. 40(7):1709-16.
2015. Sleep and multisystem biological risk: a population-based study.. PLoS One. 10(2):e0118467.
2015. Sleep deprivation and divergent toll-like receptor-4 activation of cellular inflammation in aging.. Sleep. 38(2):205-11.
2015. Sleep disturbance and longitudinal risk of inflammation: Moderating influences of social integration and social isolation in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study.. Brain Behav Immun. 46:319-26.
2015. Sleep loss activates cellular inflammation and signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) family proteins in humans.. Brain Behav Immun. 47:86-92.
2015. Social instability and immunity in rhesus monkeys: the role of the sympathetic nervous system.. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 370(1669)
2015. Social pain and the brain: controversies, questions, and where to go from here.. Annu Rev Psychol. 66:601-29.
2015. Socioeconomic status, daily affective and social experiences, and inflammation during adolescence.. Psychosom Med. 77(3):256-66.
2015. Sparse whole-genome sequencing identifies two loci for major depressive disorder. Nature. 523(7562):588-591.
2015. Special Issues in Younger Women with Breast Cancer.. Adv Exp Med Biol. 862:9-21.
2015. Sympathetic nervous system regulation of the tumour microenvironment.. Nat Rev Cancer. 15(9):563-72.
2015. Symptoms and Symptom Attribution Among Women on Endocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer.. Oncologist. 20(6):598-604.
2015. Symptoms: Fatigue and Cognitive Dysfunction.. Adv Exp Med Biol. 862:53-75.
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