
Found 1168 results
Lai YY, Siegel JM.  1991.  Pontomedullary glutamate receptors mediating locomotion and muscle tone suppression.. J Neurosci. 11(9):2931-7.
Mallick BN, Fahringer HM, Wu MF, Siegel JM.  1991.  REM sleep deprivation reduces auditory evoked inhibition of dorsolateral pontine neurons.. Brain Res. 552(2):333-7.
Nienhuis R, Siegel JM.  1989.  Analysis of head movement and position using hall effect devices.. Physiol Behav. 45(1):199-203.
Siegel JM, Tomaszewski KS, Fahringer H, Cave G, Kilduff T, Dement WC.  1989.  Heart rate and blood pressure changes during sleep-waking cycles and cataplexy in narcoleptic dogs.. Am J Physiol. 256(1 Pt 2):H111-9.
Wu MF, Mallick BN, Siegel JM.  1989.  Lateral geniculate spikes, muscle atonia and startle response elicited by auditory stimuli as a function of stimulus parameters and arousal state.. Brain Res. 499(1):7-17.
Shouse MN, Siegel JM, Wu MF, Szymusiak R, Morrison AR.  1989.  Mechanisms of seizure suppression during rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep in cats.. Brain Res. 505(2):271-82.
Schenkel E, Siegel JM.  1989.  REM sleep without atonia after lesions of the medial medulla.. Neurosci Lett. 98(2):159-65.
Suzuki SS, Siegel JM, Wu MF.  1989.  Role of pontomedullary reticular formation neurons in horizontal head movements: an ibotenic acid lesion study in the cat.. Brain Res. 484(1-2):78-93.
Wu MF, Suzuki SS, Siegel JM.  1988.  Anatomical distribution and response patterns of reticular neurons active in relation to acoustic startle.. Brain Res. 457(2):399-406.
Siegel JM, Rogawski MA.  1988.  A function for REM sleep: regulation of noradrenergic receptor sensitivity.. Brain Res. 472(3):213-33.
Lai YY, Siegel JM.  1988.  Medullary regions mediating atonia.. J Neurosci. 8(12):4790-6.
Lai YY, Siegel JM, Wilson WJ.  1987.  Effect of blood pressure on medial medulla-induced muscle atonia.. Am J Physiol. 252(6 Pt 2):H1249-57.
Shiromani PJ, Siegel JM, Tomaszewski KS, McGinty DJ.  1986.  Alterations in blood pressure and REM sleep after pontine carbachol microinfusion.. Exp Neurol. 91(2):285-92.
Siegel JM, Tomaszewski KS, Nienhuis R.  1986.  Behavioral states in the chronic medullary and midpontine cat.. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 63(3):274-88.
Siegel JM, Fahringer H, Tomaszewski KS, Kaitin K, Kilduff T, Dement WC.  1986.  Heart rate and blood pressure changes associated with cataplexy in canine narcolepsy.. Sleep. 9(1 Pt 2):216-21.
Suzuki SS, Siegel JM.  1985.  Reticular formation neurons related to tongue movement in the behaving cat.. Exp Neurol. 89(3):689-97.
Siegel JM, Nienhuis R, Tomaszewski KS.  1984.  REM sleep signs rostral to chronic transections at the pontomedullary junction.. Neurosci Lett. 45(3):241-6.
