Found 1170 results
Early family environment, current adversity, the serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism, and depressive symptomatology.. Biol Psychiatry. 60(7):671-6.
2006. Effects of writing about emotions versus goals on psychological and physical health among third-year medical students.. J Pers. 74(1):267-86.
2006. Enhanced replication of simian immunodeficiency virus adjacent to catecholaminergic varicosities in primate lymph nodes.. J Virol. 80(9):4326-35.
2006. Executive functioning predicts social skills following prenatal alcohol exposure.. Child Neuropsychol. 12(6):439-52.
2006. An experimental study of shared sensitivity to physical pain and social rejection.. Pain. 126(1-3):132-8.
2006. Expressive disclosure and benefit finding among breast cancer patients: mechanisms for positive health effects.. Health Psychol. 25(2):181-9.
2006. Fatigue in long-term breast carcinoma survivors: a longitudinal investigation.. Cancer. 106(4):751-8.
2006. Focal adhesion kinase targeting using in vivo short interfering RNA delivery in neutral liposomes for ovarian carcinoma therapy.. Clin Cancer Res. 12(16):4916-24.
2006. Genome-wide genetic association of complex traits in heterogeneous stock mice. Nature Genetics. 38(8):879-887.
2006. Health care provider advice and risk factors associated with alcohol consumption following pregnancy recognition.. J Stud Alcohol. 67(1):22-31.
2006. Impairments in health functioning and sleep quality in older adults with a history of depression.. J Am Geriatr Soc. 54(8):1184-91.
2006. Inflammatory biomarkers for persistent fatigue in breast cancer survivors.. Clin Cancer Res. 12(9):2759-66.
2006. The influence of bio-behavioural factors on tumour biology: pathways and mechanisms.. Nat Rev Cancer. 6(3):240-8.
2006. Loss of slow-wave sleep.. J Clin Sleep Med. 2(2):213-4.
2006. Management of cancer-related fatigue.. Clin Adv Hematol Oncol. 4(11):828-9.
2006. Narcolepsy and the hypocretin system--where motion meets emotion.. Nature Clinical Practice Neurology [Nature Reviews Neurology]. 2(10):548-56.
2006. Neural responses to emotional stimuli are associated with childhood family stress.. Biol Psychiatry. 60(3):296-301.
2006. Neurocognitive and social cognitive correlates of formal thought disorder in schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia Research. 85:84–95.
2006. Neurocognitive performance and functional disability in the psychosis prodrome. Schizophrenia Research. 84:100–111.
2006. Pain coping and recovery from whiplash: new data on an important problem.. Pain. 124(1-2):3-4.
2006. Patterns of care in early-stage breast cancer survivors in the first year after cessation of active treatment.. J Clin Oncol. 24(1):77-84.
2006. Pediatricians' knowledge, training, and experience in the care of children with fetal alcohol syndrome.. Pediatrics. 118(3):e657-68.
2006. Positive family environment predicts improvement in symptoms and social functioning among adolescents at imminent risk for onset of psychosis. Schizophrenia Research. 81:269–275.
2006. Predictors of positive psychosocial functioning of older adults in residential care facilities.. J Behav Med. 29(2):191-201.
2006. Predictors of stress in parents of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 27(5):396-404.