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Learning How to Make Friends for Chinese Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Hong Kong Chinese Version of the PEERS® Intervention. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 49(2):527-541.
2019. Learning How to Make Friends for Chinese Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Hong Kong Chinese Version of the PEERS® Intervention.. J Autism Dev Disord. 49(2):527-541.
2019. Multicentre, randomized waitlist control trial investigating a parent-assisted social skills group programme for adolescents with brain injuries. BMJ Open. 9(8):e029587.
2019. Sleep in aquatic mammals. Handbook of Sleep Research. :375-393.
2019. Sleep timing and duration in indigenous villages with and without electric lighting on Tanna Island, Vanuatu.. Science Reports. 9(1):17278.
2019. .
Community Conversations to Increase Employment Opportunities for Young Adults With Developmental Disabilities in California. Journal of Disability Policy Studies. 28(4):203-215.
2018. Community Conversations to Increase Employment Opportunities for Young Adults With Developmental Disabilities in California. Journal of Disability Policy Studies. 28(4):203-215.
2018. Fur seals suppress REM sleep for very long periods without subsequent rebound.. Current Biology. 28(12):2000-2005.e2.
2018. The influence of age- and sex-specific labor demands on sleep in Namibian agropastoralists.. Sleep Health. 4(6):500-508.
2018. Longitudinal community walking activity in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Muscle & Nerve. 57(3):401-406.
2018. Longitudinal Community Walking Activity in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.. Muscle Nerve. 57(3):401-406.
2018. Opiates increase the number of hypocretin-producing cells in human and mouse brain and reverse cataplexy in a mouse model of narcolepsy.. Science Translational Medicine. 10(447)
2018. A Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating the Hebrew Adaptation of the PEERS Intervention: Behavioral and Questionnaire-Based Outcomes.. Autism Res. 11(8):1187-1200.
2018. A randomized controlled trial evaluating the Hebrew adaptation of the PEERS ® intervention: Behavioral and questionnaire-based outcomes. Autism Research. 11(8):1187-1200.
2018. Sensory over-responsivity and social cognition in ASD: Effects of aversive sensory stimuli and attentional modulation on neural responses to social cues. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 29:127-139.
2018. Sensory Over-Responsivity and Social Cognition in ASD: Effects of Aversive Sensory Stimuli and Attentional Modulation on Neural Responses to Social Cues.. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 29:127-139.
2018. Sleep phylogenetic evolution and ontogeny, Avidan Ed.. Review of Sleep Medicine .
2018. Striking cessation of cataplexy by opioids.. J Sleep Res. :e12781.
2018. .
CECY: California’s collaborative approach to increasing employment of youth and young adults with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 47(3):307-316.
2017. CECY: California’s Collaborative Approach to Increasing Employment of Youth and Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 47(3):307-316.
2017. Characterization of Strength and Function in Ambulatory Adults With GNE Myopathy. Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease. 19(1):19-26.
2017. Characterization of Strength and Function in Ambulatory Adults With GNE Myopathy.. J Clin Neuromuscul Dis. 19(1):19-26.
2017. .