
Found 1170 results
Wilson RB, Vangala S, Elashoff D, Safari T, Smith BA.  2021.  Using Wearable Sensor Technology to Measure Motion Complexity in Infants at High Familial Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder.. Sensors (Basel). 21(2)
Gray SHayden, Byrne R, Christensen S, Williams D, Wylie M, Fowler E, Gaebler-Spira D, Marciniak C, Glader L.  2021.  Women with cerebral palsy: A qualitative study about their experiences with sexual and reproductive health education and services. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine. 14(2):285-293.
Jordan JT, Cahill C, Ostendorf T, Gutmann L, Navarro A, Gamaldo CE, Santini VE, Ali I, Soni M, Wilson RB et al..  2020.  Attracting neurology's next generation: A qualitative study of specialty choice and perceptions.. Neurology. 95(8):e1080-e1090.
Distefano C, Wilson RB, Hyde C, Cook EH, Thibert RL, Reiter LT, Vogel-Farley V, Hipp J, Jeste S.  2020.  Behavioral characterization of dup15q syndrome: Toward meaningful endpoints for clinical trials.. Am J Med Genet A. 182(1):71-84.
Fowler EG, Oppenheim WL, Greenberg MB, Staudt LA, Joshi SH, Silverman DHS.  2020.  Brain Metabolism During A Lower Extremity Voluntary Movement Task in Children With Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 14
Devenish BD, Sivaratnam C, Lindor E, Papadopoulos N, Wilson R, McGillivray J, Rinehart NJ.  2020.  A Brief Report: Community Supportiveness May Facilitate Participation of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in Their Community and Reduce Feelings of Isolation in Their Caregivers.. Front Psychol. 11:583483.
Salminen AV, Silvani A, Allen RP, Clemens S, Garcia‐Borreguero D, Ghorayeb I, Ferré S, Li Y, Ondo W, Picchietti DL et al..  2020.  Consensus Guidelines on Rodent Models of Restless Legs Syndrome. Movement Disorders.
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Manger PR, Siegel JM.  2020.  Do all mammals dream? J Comp Neurol.
Yamada T, Miura Y, Oi M, Akatsuka N, Tanaka K, Tsukidate N, Yamamoto T, Okuno H, Nakanishi M, Taniike M et al..  2020.  Examining the Treatment Efficacy of PEERS in Japan: Improving Social Skills Among Adolescents with Autism Spectrum DisorderAbstract. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 50(3):976-997.
Baker E, Veytsman E, Martin AMarie, Blacher J, Stavropoulos KKM.  2020.  Increased Neural Reward Responsivity in Adolescents with ASD after Social Skills Intervention. Brain Sciences. 10(6):402.
Lum JAG, Shandley K, Albein-Urios N, Kirkovski M, Papadopoulos N, Wilson RB, Enticott PG, Rinehart NJ.  2020.  Meta-Analysis Reveals Gait Anomalies in Autism.. Autism Res.
Cai N, Revez JA, Adams MJ, Andlauer TFM, Breen G, Byrne EM, Clarke T-K, Forstner AJ, Grabe HJ, Hamilton SP et al..  2020.  Minimal phenotyping yields genome-wide association signals of low specificity for major depression. Nature Genetics. 52(4):437-447.
Thompson RMednick, Fowler E, Culo B, Shellock FG.  2020.  MRI safety and imaging artifacts evaluated for a cannulated screw used for guided growth surgery. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 66:219-225.
Burdekin ED, Fogel BL, Jeste SS, Martinez J, Rexach JE, Distefano C, Hyde C, Safari T, Wilson RB.  2020.  The Neurodevelopmental and Motor Phenotype of SCA21 (ATX-TMEM240).. J Child Neurol. 35(14):953-962.
Wilson RB, Elashoff D, Gouelle A, Smith BA, Wilson AM, Dickinson A, Safari T, Hyde C, Jeste SS.  2020.  Quantitative Gait Analysis in Duplication 15q Syndrome and Nonsyndromic ASD.. Autism Res. 13(7):1102-1110.
Kostin A, Alam MAftab, Siegel JM, McGinty D, Alam MNoor.  2020.  Sex- and age-dependent differences in sleep-wake characteristics of fisher-344 rats.. Neuroscience. 427:29-42.
Lyamin OI, Kibalnikov AS, Siegel JM.  2020.  Sleep in ostrich chicks (Struthio camelus). Sleep.
Siegel JM.  2020.  Sleep under evolutionarily relevant conditions.. Sleep Med. 67:244-245.
Moody CT, Laugeson EA.  2020.  Social Skills Training in Autism Spectrum Disorder Across the Lifespan. Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 43(4):687-699.
Lai Y-Y, Hsieh K-C, Cheng Y-H, Chew K-T, Nguyen D, Ramanathan L, Siegel JM.  2020.  Striatal histamine mechanism in the pathogenesis of restless legs syndrome.. Sleep. 43(2)
Lai Y-Y, Kodama T, Hsieh K-C, Nguyen D, Siegel JM.  2020.  Substantia nigra pars reticulata-mediated sleep and motor activity regulation. Sleep. 44(1)
Ehrenreich-May J, Simpson G, Stewart LM, Kennedy SM, Rowley AN, Beaumont A, Alessandri M, Storch EA, Laugeson EA, Frankel FD et al..  2020.  Treatment of anxiety in older adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorders: A pilot study.. Bull Menninger Clin. 84(2):105-136.
Green SA, Hernandez L, Lawrence KE, Liu J, Tsang T, Yeargin J, Cummings K, Laugeson E, Dapretto M, Bookheimer SY.  2019.  Distinct Patterns of Neural Habituation and Generalization in Children and Adolescents With Autism With Low and High Sensory Overresponsivity. American Journal of Psychiatry. 176(12):1010-1020.
Kendall-Bar JM, Vyssotski AL, Mukhametov LM, Siegel JM, Lyamin OI.  2019.  Eye state asymmetry during aquatic unihemispheric slow wave sleep in northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus).. PLoS One. 14(5):e0217025.
