Lilly Chang

Lilly is a recent UCLA alumnus. Always fascinated by the human mind and motivated to care for others, Lilly earned her B.S. is Psychobiology. As a third year undergraduate, Lilly participated in the UCLA Biobehavioral Science Student Research Program through CAPPS. As a research assistant, Lilly earned course credit working at the CAPPS clinic and learned clinical and administrative skillsets alongside the CAPPS graduate students and staff. As a senior, Lilly continued her work with CAPPS as a dedicated volunteer. Lilly enjoys working with patients and looks forward to a career within the health field. Currently as CAPPS clinic coordinator, Lilly manages staff, student, volunteer and participant schedules while coordinating new participant intake and managing research data collected at CAPPS. As such, Lilly is the main point of contact for current and potential participants in CAPPS research and related services. Lilly offers a kind, familiar face to those coming in to the clinic, as well as an accessible, informed resource to those with inquiries regarding the clinic and/or the appropriateness of a referral.