Contact Us
UCLA Pediatric Neuropsychiatry Clinic
300 Medical Plaza, Suite 1328
Box 956967
Los Angeles, CA 90095-6967
- Scheduling: 310-825-9989
- Fax: 310-394-3769
- Lobby: 310-825-9021
- Clinical issues (Dr Ott): 310-470-2033
Patients are seen on the first floor of the 300 Medical Plaza. Please come to the lobby (suite 1200) on the first floor of the building to check in. The 300 Medical Plaza building is located at the northwest corner of Westwood Blvd and LeConte (at the southern end of the UCLA campus). The 300 Medical Plaza building is the third building on your right upon entering Medical Plaza Way from Westwood Blvd. The most convenient parking is in Structure #1; enter off Gayley Avenue.