Sara Schiff

Sara Schiff

Sara Schiff is a third-year graduate student in the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at UCLA under the mentorship of Dr. Steve Lee. She received her B.S. in Psychology from Tufts University in 2018 where she worked with Dr. Paul Muentener to research how young children understand the causes and effects of emotion. After graduating, she worked as a project assistant at the University of Southern California’s Health, Emotion, and Addiction lab examining the intersection of health behavior, mental health, policy implementation, and tobacco use. Sara’s current research interests include understanding the etiology of conduct problems, particularly among girls, and how it relates to various contextual factors (i.e., peers, family, community). In addition, she seeks to promote health equity and access for those disproportionally affected by externalizing behaviors and their related risk factors (i.e., Black and Latinx youth) via the development of innovative policy and intervention strategies.