Training & Education
Fall Institute
October 29-31, 2018
Institute Faculty will present on :
A. Current research in HIV/AIDS
- HIV 101 & Translational Research
- Bio-Statistical Methods in HIV/AIDS Research
- Use of Technology in Research and HIV Prevention
B. Substance abuse and its associations with HIV and traumatic stress
- Core Course: Substance Abuse, HIV, and Traumatic Stress in At-Risk Populations
- The Psychobiology of Substance Abuse and Stress
- Biomarkers of Stress and Trauma and Effects of HIV/AIDS Progression
- Substance Abuse, Traumatic Stress and Associated Health Disparities Research
- Substance Use, Its Effects, and Disparities in Treatment
C. Studying Substance Abuse, HIV, and Traumatic Stress: Methods
- Qualitative Methods for Studying Substance Abuse, Traumatic stress and HIV
- Statistical Tools for Substance Abuse, Mental Health and HIV Research
- The Relevance of Implementation Science for Substance Abuse and HIV Research
D. Traumatic Stress and Outcomes
- Family Violence, Sexual Violence & Trauma
- Sociocultural Aspects of Health and Mental Health
E. Strategies for Culturally Congruent Research and HIV Interventions
- HIV Prevention Interventions for High-Risk Populations
- Family-Based Interventions for Substance Abuse and HIV
- Conducting Community-Collaborative and Community-Based Participatory Research
- International Issues in HIV/AIDS
- Medical / Legal Aspects of Conducting Human Research
- Culturally Congruent Research Measure for HIV Research
F. Scientific Writing and Grant Proposals
- Writing for Scientific Publications
- Grant Writing 101
- Ethical Considerations in Preparing Grant Proposals
- Surviving the Challenges of Being a Researcher