Training & Education

Fall Institute

October 29-31, 2018

Institute Faculty will present on :

A. Current research in HIV/AIDS

  1. HIV 101 & Translational Research
  2. Bio-Statistical Methods in HIV/AIDS Research
  3. Use of Technology in Research and HIV Prevention

B. Substance abuse and its associations with HIV and traumatic stress

  1. Core Course: Substance Abuse, HIV, and Traumatic Stress in At-Risk Populations
  2. The Psychobiology of Substance Abuse and Stress
  3. Biomarkers of Stress and Trauma and Effects of HIV/AIDS Progression
  4. Substance Abuse, Traumatic Stress and Associated Health Disparities Research
  5. Substance Use, Its Effects, and Disparities in Treatment

C. Studying Substance Abuse, HIV, and Traumatic Stress: Methods

  1. Qualitative Methods for Studying Substance Abuse, Traumatic stress and HIV
  2. Statistical Tools for Substance Abuse, Mental Health and HIV Research
  3. The Relevance of Implementation Science for Substance Abuse and HIV Research

D. Traumatic Stress and Outcomes

  1. Family Violence, Sexual Violence & Trauma
  2. Sociocultural Aspects of Health and Mental Health

E. Strategies for Culturally Congruent Research and HIV Interventions

  1. HIV Prevention Interventions for High-Risk Populations
  2. Family-Based Interventions for Substance Abuse and HIV
  3. Conducting Community-Collaborative and Community-Based Participatory Research
  4. International Issues in HIV/AIDS
  5. Medical / Legal Aspects of Conducting Human Research
  6. Culturally Congruent Research Measure for HIV Research

F. Scientific Writing and Grant Proposals

  1. Writing for Scientific Publications
  2. Grant Writing 101
  3. Ethical Considerations in Preparing Grant Proposals
  4. Surviving the Challenges of Being a Researcher