Elizabeth Kim, PhD, MSW

Elizabeth Kim, PhD, MSW

Research Interests:
Elizabeth Kim’s research focuses on expanding the understanding of the school-to-prison pipeline and examining effective practice strategies as alternatives to youth incarceration. The goal of her research agenda is to build and translate evidence for strengths-based policy and practice that promote positive development of young people instead of criminalizing and stigmatizing them. Her research broadly covers two areas: 1) basic and applied research on justice system-involved youth; 2) alternative schools research as a linkage for the school-to-prison pipeline. Her justice system research relies on close collaboration with county court systems using administrative data to uncover specific treatment needs probation youth bring as they come in contact with the justice system. Her alternative schools research uses statewide youth survey to understand the phenomenon of alternative schools (e.g., what they are, who they serve) and offer potential opportunities to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline. Together, her research seeks to reduce mental, emotional, and behavioral health inequity experienced primarily by youth of color over the life course.