Semel Institute and Department of Psychiatry Strategic Plan 2023 - 2028

The strategic planning process was steered by our Strategic Planning Committee (committee members are listed below). They provided overall information and guidance to our Strategic Plan consultant, Erima Fobbs who designed and facilitated meetings, summarized and documented materials generated from surveys and meetings, and documented the plan.  

Strategic Planning Committee:

April Thames* and Christopher Evans*
Enrico Castillo*, Erick CheungDennis Dacarett-Galeano*, Artha Gillis*, Michael GreenAudra Langley*, Jocelyn Meza*, Larissa MooneyNichole Roxas (*current or past members of the departmental PDAC/JEDI Committee)

Strategic Planning Process:

The attached document provides additional detail on the process which is summarized below:

  • A survey was distributed to everyone in the department. 
  • Approximately 60 people were invited who consisted of departmental Executive Committee (EC) members, EC subcommittee members, and leads of key informant groups to a virtual Visioning Meeting that was held in place of the regularly scheduled EC meeting. Participants had an opportunity to reflect on the survey results prior to/and during the meeting.
  • Key informant interviews were conducted, which included people who represent groups who may have been underrepresented in the initial survey. These groups consisted of early career faculty, staff, community partners, and trainees. 
  • We invited the same group of people who had participated in the Visioning session to a virtual Strategies session to review the previously agreed upon vision and key informant recommendations, and to reflect further on strengths/concerns, and then to identify and agree on strategies to move forward with.  .
  • At each of these meetings, participants had an opportunity to reflect on prior qualitative data collected and prior decisions that were made. 
  • Lastly, we held an on-site implementation retreat, people who were part of the EC or EC subcommittees plus we invited other individuals who hold positions of leadership throughout the institute who could facilitate action upon identified goal targets identified at the virtual strategy meeting.
  • The retreat focused on four workgroups: Next Generation Success; Communication, Connection and Partnerships; Infrastructure Improvement; Transformative Clinical/Research Collaboration. The retreat was designed to draft actionable targets for the next two years and the feedback from the key informant groups was provided to each participant to inform the workgroups' plans. 
  • As next steps, the workgroups will reconvene, finalize their implementation plans and start the work.