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Lyamin OI, Pavlova IF, Kosenko PO, Mukhametov LM, Siegel JM.  2012.  Regional differences in cortical electroencephalogram (EEG) slow wave activity and interhemispheric EEG asymmetry in the fur seal.. J Sleep Res. 21(6):603-11.
Gravett N, Bhagwandin A, Lyamin OI, Siegel JM, Manger PR.  2012.  Sleep in the rock hyrax, Procavia capensis.. Brain Behav Evol. 79(3):155-69.
Norman GJ, Hawkley LC, Cole SW, Berntson GG, Cacioppo JT.  2012.  Social neuroscience: the social brain, oxytocin, and health.. Soc Neurosci. 7(1):18-29.
Lyamin OI, Kosenko PO, Vyssotski AL, Lapierre JL, Siegel JM, Mukhametov LM.  2012.  Study of sleep in a walrus.. Dokl Biol Sci. 444:188-91.
Cole SW, Conti G, Arevalo JMG, Ruggiero AM, Heckman JJ, Suomi SJ.  2012.  Transcriptional modulation of the developing immune system by early life social adversity.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109(50):20578-83.
Karnezis T, Shayan R, Caesar C, Roufail S, Harris NC, Ardipradja K, Zhang YFang, Williams SP, Farnsworth RH, Chai MG et al..  2012.  VEGF-D promotes tumor metastasis by regulating prostaglandins produced by the collecting lymphatic endothelium.. Cancer Cell. 21(2):181-95.
Wu M-F, Nienhuis R, Maidment N, Lam HA, Siegel JM.  2011.  Cerebrospinal fluid hypocretin (orexin) levels are elevated by play but are not raised by exercise and its associated heart rate, blood pressure, respiration or body temperature changes.. Arch Ital Biol. 149(4):492-8.
Moreno-Smith M, Lu C, Shahzad MMK, Pena GNArmaiz, Allen JK, Stone RL, Mangala LS, Han HDong, Kim HSun, Farley D et al..  2011.  Dopamine blocks stress-mediated ovarian carcinoma growth.. Clin Cancer Res. 17(11):3649-59.
McGregor R, Wu M-F, Barber G, Ramanathan L, Siegel JM.  2011.  Highly specific role of hypocretin (orexin) neurons: differential activation as a function of diurnal phase, operant reinforcement versus operant avoidance and light level.. J Neurosci. 31(43):15455-67.
Irwin MR.  2011.  Inflammation at the intersection of behavior and somatic symptoms.. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 34(3):605-20.
Capitanio JP, Mendoza SP, Cole SW.  2011.  Nervous temperament in infant monkeys is associated with reduced sensitivity of leukocytes to cortisol's influence on trafficking.. Brain Behav Immun. 25(1):151-9.
Siegel JM.  2011.  REM sleep: a biological and psychological paradox.. Sleep Med Rev. 15(3):139-42.
Wu M-F, Nienhuis R, Maidment N, Lam HA, Siegel JM.  2011.  Role of the hypocretin (orexin) receptor 2 (Hcrt-r2) in the regulation of hypocretin level and cataplexy.. J Neurosci. 31(17):6305-10.
Bhagwandin A, Gravett N, Lyamin OI, Oosthuizen MK, Bennett NC, Siegel JM, Manger PR.  2011.  Sleep and wake in rhythmic versus arrhythmic chronotypes of a microphthalmic species of African mole rat (Fukomys mechowii).. Brain Behav Evol. 78(2):162-83.
Ramanathan L, Siegel JM.  2011.  Sleep deprivation under sustained hypoxia protects against oxidative stress.. Free Radic Biol Med. 51(10):1842-8.
Green JA, Suzuki K, Cho B, L Willison D, Palmer D, Allen CDC, Schmidt TH, Xu Y, Proia RL, Coughlin SR et al..  2011.  The sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor S1P₂ maintains the homeostasis of germinal center B cells and promotes niche confinement.. Nat Immunol. 12(7):672-80.
Sood AK, Armaiz-Pena GN, Halder J, Nick AM, Stone RL, Hu W, Carroll AR, Spannuth WA, Deavers MT, Allen JK et al..  2010.  Adrenergic modulation of focal adhesion kinase protects human ovarian cancer cells from anoikis.. J Clin Invest. 120(5):1515-23.
Lai Y-Y, Kodama T, Schenkel E, Siegel JM.  2010.  Behavioral response and transmitter release during atonia elicited by medial medullary stimulation.. J Neurophysiol. 104(4):2024-33.
Slavich GM, O'Donovan A, Epel ES, Kemeny ME.  2010.  Black sheep get the blues: a psychobiological model of social rejection and depression.. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 35(1):39-45.
McGregor R, Siegel JM.  2010.  Illuminating the locus coeruleus: control of posture and arousal.. Nature Neuroscience. 13(12):1448-9.
Ramanathan L, Hu S, Frautschy SA, Siegel JM.  2010.  Short-term total sleep deprivation in the rat increases antioxidant responses in multiple brain regions without impairing spontaneous alternation behavior.. Behav Brain Res. 207(2):305-9.
Shahzad MMK, Arevalo JM, Armaiz-Pena GN, Lu C, Stone RL, Moreno-Smith M, Nishimura M, Lee J-W, Jennings NB, Bottsford-Miller J et al..  2010.  Stress effects on FosB- and interleukin-8 (IL8)-driven ovarian cancer growth and metastasis.. J Biol Chem. 285(46):35462-70.
Sloan EK, Priceman SJ, Cox BF, Yu S, Pimentel MA, Tangkanangnukul V, Arevalo JMG, Morizono K, Karanikolas BDW, Wu L et al..  2010.  The sympathetic nervous system induces a metastatic switch in primary breast cancer.. Cancer Res. 70(18):7042-52.
Pryaslova JP, Lyamin OI, Siegel JM, Mukhametov LM.  2009.  Behavioral sleep in the walrus.. Behav Brain Res. 201(1):80-7.
Scammell TE, Willie JT, Guilleminault C, Siegel JM.  2009.  A consensus definition of cataplexy in mouse models of narcolepsy.. Sleep. 32(1):111-6.
