
When you join the Aftercare Research Program, you will be assigned one of the following psychologists - Dr. Yurika Sturdevant or Dr. Paige Bakman. Your psychologist will be your contact person at the Aftercare Research Program. She will help you coordinate your treatment program activities and develop skills for coping with your daily life. Usually, your psychologist will also be the person who can provide individual therapy or counseling. Upon joining the UCLA Aftercare Research Program, you will be seen once a week through Zoom for your treatment. After 1-3 months, you will be seen twice a week. Family sessions can be scheduled as needed to make sure that your treatment is a "partnership" effort among you, your family, and the Aftercare Research Program clinicians.

You will need to continue taking medication to help you recover from your symptoms and to prevent their return. Your psychiatrist, Dr. Michael Zito or Dr. Dennis Galeano will see you on a weekly or every other week basis, prescribe your medication, and monitor your care. It will be very important that you continue to take your medication regularly

Some aspects of your treatment here will be determined by the research program.

All participants will receive training using specialized computer programs that challenge the brain to improve and grow. These programs help people to improve cognitive abilities, such as memory, concentration, reasoning skills, and ability to learn new things. Social support and self-help materials available only to study participants are provided on-line. As part of our ongoing research protocol, half of the participants will be assigned at random to also receive aerobic exercise classes and exercise homework. Exercise should benefit your physical health and might also benefit your cognitive abilities.

The psychotic disorder that you are experiencing can be best treated when there is a strong partnership among participants, professionals, and family. We feel that young people who experience psychosis can recover best when all elements of this partnership work together in the treatment and rehabilitation process. Thus, we ask that you allow us to discuss your care with your family members as needed to maintain a coordinated treatment plan.