Anxiety Disorders Resources
Cognitive and Behavioral Treatments
- Context in the Clinic: How Well Do Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies and Medications Work in Combination? Edna B. Foa, Martin E. Franklin, and Jason Moser
- Cognitive and Behavioral Treatments for Anxiety Disorders: A Review of Meta-analytic Findings Brett J. Deacon and Jonathon S. Abramowitz
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders Michael W. Otto, Jasper A.J. Smits, and Hannah E. Reese
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Comorbidity in Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Impact and Implications Dan J. Stein
- Neurobiological Mechanisims in Generalized Anxiety Disorder David J. Nutt
- Generalized anxiety disorder: comorbidity, comparitive biology and treatment David J. Nutt, James C. Ballenger, David Sheehan, and Hans-Ulrich Wittchen
Panic Disorder
- Panic Disorder From a Monistic Perspective: Intergrating Neurobiological and Pscyhological Approaches Sabine Windmann
- Neuroanatomical Hypothesis of Panic Disorder, Revised Jack M. Gorman, Justive M. Kent, Gregory M Sullivan, and Jeremy D. Coplan
- Neurology of Panic Disorder M. Bourin, G.B. Baker, and J. Bradwein
General Anxiety Disorder
Spectrum Disorders
- Post-stretococcal autoimmune disorders of the central nervous system Lisa A. Snider and Susan E. Swedo
- Treatment of Trichotillomania With Behavioral Therapy or Fluoxetine A Randomized, Waiting-List Controlled Study Agnes van Minnen, PhD; Kees A. L. Hoogduin, MD, PhD; Ger P. J. Keijsers, PhD; Inge Hellenbrand, MA; Gert-Jan Hendriks, MD
Social Anxiety
- Psychobiological Mechanisms of Resilience and Vulnerbility: Implications for Successful Adaptation to Extreme Stress Dennis S. Charney
- Consensus Statement Update on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder From the International Consensus Group on Depression and Anxiety
- Structural and Functional Brain Changes in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Additional Resources
- Anxiety Disorders Association (ADAA) 6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 513 Rockville, MD 20857 (301)231-9350
- Obsessive Compulsive Foundation (OCD) P.O. Box 70 Milford, CT 06560-0070 (203)878-5669
- National Alliance for the Obsessive-Mentally Ill 200 North Gelbe Road, Suite 1015 Arlington, VA 22203
- National Institute of Mental Health of America 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 (301)443-4513
- Mental Health InfoSource
- UCLA Procaim Patient Self Rating
- Internet Mental Health
- Brain Lock by Jeffrey Schwartz
- Getting in Control by Lee Baer
- Stop Obsessing by Edna Foa
Resources for UCLA Students and Faculty (login required)