Major Centers for Research

Mental Illness Research and Education Clinical Center (MIRECC) - The mission of the VISN 22 MIRECC is to improve the long-term functional outcomes of veterans with chronic psychotic mental disorders, including schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and psychotic mood disorders. The Center, directed by Steve Marder, is structured to encourage translation by addressing functioning in a program that spans basic and clinical science, treatment development, and services research. Education and Clinical programs translate findings into improved care. MIRECC laboratories at GLA include Treatment (Michael Green, Director), Health Services (Alex Young & Amy Cohen, co-Directors) and Data and Methodology (Catherine Sugar, Director) Units. The Education and Dissemination Unit (Chris Reist & Noosha Niv, co-Directors) is in Long Beach and Neuropsychopharmacology (Mark Geyer, Director), Imaging (Greg Brown & Lisa Eyler, co-Directors), and Clinical Neuroscience and Genetics (David Braff & Greg Light, co-Directors) Units in San Diego. The MIRECC offers incredible research training opportunities for young investigators and provides post-residency fellowships that can be combined with a UCLA/VA faculty position.



Geriatric Research and Education Clinical Center (GRECC) - Research on cognitive disorders involves "bench to bedside" research to identify basic molecular processes and biomarkers of Alzheimer's dementia; in addition to work to identify potential therapies and test anti-inflammatory, nutritional and behavioral strategies to slow or reverse dementia and cognitive impairment. Our research on sleep involves clinical and health services research studying sleep in older Veterans living at home and in a variety of healthcare settings. The sleep research includes work developing and testing innovative ways to improve treatment for insomnia, sleep apnea, and other common sleep problems in older Veterans. Finally, our research on vulnerable elders focuses on individuals at risk for physical and/or functional decline, and addresses vulnerabilities commonly associated with aging. This includes research on injury prevention including basic research on bone healing, clinical research on the effects of hormones on diabetes and other important health problems, and health services research to prevent falls and fall-related injuries in clinical and community settings. Additional research includes work to improve access to healthcare for vulnerable elders and special populations such as ethnic minorities and nursing home residents, and clinical research focused on reducing caregiver stress.



Center of Excellence in Homelessness, Mental Illness, and Substance Use Disorder (CoE) - Dr. Ken Wells and Dr. Sonya Gabrielian are guiding the planning and development of research in our Center of Excellence. This includes training programs on serious mental illness, a veteran engagement workgroup, evaluation of the new tent encampment (CTRS) for homeless veterans, and several research pilot projects led by junior faculty on approaches to improve outcomes for homeless veterans with behavioral health issues.