Career Preparation Through Work-Based Learning & Experiences

September 27, 2016

Wilbert Francis will be presenting on a panel with the College to Career programs at the California Association of Postsecondary Education and Disability Convention in Monterey California on October 10, 2016 The title of the presentation will be “Career preparation through work-based learning & experiences”. The purpose of the presentation is to share promising practices, strategies, and lessons learned in supporting students with IDD to successfully participate in postsecondary education (PSE) and workforce training.

The College to Career (C2C) programs assist students with intellectual disabilities (ID) to access a range of general education, credit, and non-credit courses. C2C facilitates student engagement in job development, internships, and work experience on community college campuses and in the community. Panelists will discuss recent federal and state regulations focused on the participation of individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities (IDD) in competitive integrated employment.

Participants will learn: 1) federal regulations related to PSE and workforce preparation (WIOA, 2014); 2) guidelines for new state policy on paid internship programs (ABX2 1); 3) strategies for developing work experiences and internships on/off campus); and 4) effective uses of On-the-Job Training. Case examples and student stories will be provided to illustrate the practices used to support students. The presentation is open to California community colleges’ directors of Disability Support Services (DSS) and other professionals from two and four year colleges.