Tamra Burns Loeb, Ph.D

Tamra Burns Loeb, Ph.D

Tamra Burns Loeb, Ph.D., a SACERT faculty member, is a Counseling Psychologist, behavioral science researcher, and Adjunct Associate Professor in the UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at the David Geffen School of Medicine (DGSOM). She conducts qualitative, integrated mixed-methods, and quantitative research to document disparities in the social determinants of health, identify barriers to health care access and utilization, and inform public health messages to achieve health equity. Dr. Loeb’s research also focuses on the measurement of trauma and adversity. She was the recipient of a UCLA DGSOM COVID-19 Research Award and an American Lung Association COIVD-19 and Emerging Viruses Research Award. She currently teaches a Fiat Lux Undergraduate Seminar on Internet Access as a Human Right: Health, COVID-19, and Internet Inequities.