Camila Ferrario, M.S. AMFT

Camila Ferrario, M.S. AMFT

Cami Ferrario is a psychotherapist (Associate Marriage and Family Therapist #137866/Supervised by a licensed professional) who specializes in treating perinatal and postpartum mood disorders, and complex parent-child relationships. She obtained her bachelor's degree from UCLA and successfully completed her master's degree in psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT). She is also a PCIT International certified therapist. She is currently expanding her expertise through specialized research and clinical training at UCLA MOMS Clinic and UCLA Family STAR Clinic. Additionally, she serves as a behavioral health specialist at the McDonald Lab within UCLA CART (Center for Autism Research & Treatment), actively supporting research on perinatal depression, parenting stress, the interplay between oxytocin and the developing mother-infant relationship, as well as the neurodevelopment and early social-emotional trajectories in NICU graduates and individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Currently, she serves as one of the PCIT interventionists in Dr. McDonald’s RAINBOW Study, assessing the effectiveness of an evidence-based treatment for children with TSC. In her research role, Cami is actively involved in various tasks, including coding parent-child interactions using the CIB (Coding Interactive Behavior), to analyze social interactions between infants and mothers. She is also responsible for performing inter-rater reliability, collecting behavioral data and assessments, assessing infants' (0-18 months) gross motor skills using the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS), and administering the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales Third Edition (VABS) to measure adaptive behavior. Additionally, she holds the position of a guest lecturer at California State University Northridge, delivering instruction on quantitative & qualitative research within the MFT program.