1st Annual Meeting International Society for the
History of the Neurosciences (ISHN)
Wednesday, 8 May 1996
Call for Papers The International Society for the History of the Neurosciences (ISHN) was formed in 1995; the first annual meeting will be held May 8, 1996, in Buffalo, New York as a satellite meeting of the annual meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM). Please submit proposals for papers (platform or poster) and thematic symposia, on any aspect of the history of the neurosciences. Papers must have at least one author who is a member of the society (for information on membership, please contact Duane E. Haines; see address, below). Platform papers will normally be 10-20 minutes in duration followed by 5-10 minutes for discussion. Poster papers will normally fill an 8 x 4 foot poster board area. HOW TO SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT for consideration by the Program Committee: Abstracts should be one page, typed single-space, have a title, and describe both the topic of the proposed paper and the major points to be discussed in the paper. If you are proposing a symposium, a title and abstract for each of the proposed presentations should be provided, as well as a title for the symposium. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: Your abstract (3 copies) must be received by Wednesday, 31 JANUARY 1996. Decisions by the Program Committee will be made by the end of February 1996. PROGRAM COMMITTEE:
SEND ABSTRACTS (3 copies) to:
ISHN Membership Information:
ISHN 1st Annual Meeting Announcement and Call for Abstracts <http://www.medsch.ucla.edu/som/bri/archives/call1996.htm> Last modified: 3 July 2000
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