Enhancing accuracy and privacy in speech-based depression detection through speaker disentanglement.
Title | Enhancing accuracy and privacy in speech-based depression detection through speaker disentanglement. |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2024 |
Authors | Ravi V, Wang J, Flint J, Alwan A |
Journal | Comput Speech Lang |
Volume | 86 |
Date Published | 2024 Jun |
ISSN | 0885-2308 |
Abstract | Speech signals are valuable biomarkers for assessing an individual's mental health, including identifying Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) automatically. A frequently used approach in this regard is to employ features related to speaker identity, such as speaker-embeddings. However, over-reliance on speaker identity features in mental health screening systems can compromise patient privacy. Moreover, some aspects of speaker identity may not be relevant for depression detection and could serve as a bias factor that hampers system performance. To overcome these limitations, we propose disentangling speaker-identity information from depression-related information. Specifically, we present four distinct disentanglement methods to achieve this - adversarial speaker identification (SID)-loss maximization (ADV), SID-loss equalization with variance (LEV), SID-loss equalization using Cross-Entropy (LECE) and SID-loss equalization using KL divergence (LEKLD). Our experiments, which incorporated diverse input features and model architectures, have yielded improved F1 scores for MDD detection and voice-privacy attributes, as quantified by Gain in Voice Distinctiveness and De-Identification Scores (DeID). On the DAIC-WOZ dataset (English), LECE using ComparE16 features results in the best F1-Scores of 80% which represents the audio-only SOTA depression detection F1-Score along with a of -1.1 dB and a DeID of 85%. On the EATD dataset (Mandarin), ADV using raw-audio signal achieves an F1-Score of 72.38% surpassing multi-modal SOTA along with a of -0.89 dB dB and a DeID of 51.21%. By reducing the dependence on speaker-identity-related features, our method offers a promising direction for speech-based depression detection that preserves patient privacy. |
DOI | 10.1016/j.csl.2023.101605 |
Alternate Journal | Comput Speech Lang |
PubMed ID | 38313320 |
PubMed Central ID | PMC10836190 |
Grant List | R01 MH122569 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States |