Complementation testing identifies genes mediating effects at quantitative trait loci underlying fear-related behavior.

TitleComplementation testing identifies genes mediating effects at quantitative trait loci underlying fear-related behavior.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsChen PB, Chen R, LaPierre N, Chen Z, Mefford J, Marcus E, Heffel MG, Soto DC, Ernst J, Luo C, Flint J
JournalCell Genom
Date Published2024 May 08
KeywordsAnimals, Behavior, Animal, Chromosome Mapping, Fear, Female, Genetic Complementation Test, Male, Mice, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Quantitative Trait Loci

Knowing the genes involved in quantitative traits provides an entry point to understanding the biological bases of behavior, but there are very few examples where the pathway from genetic locus to behavioral change is known. To explore the role of specific genes in fear behavior, we mapped three fear-related traits, tested fourteen genes at six quantitative trait loci (QTLs) by quantitative complementation, and identified six genes. Four genes, Lamp, Ptprd, Nptx2, and Sh3gl, have known roles in synapse function; the fifth, Psip1, was not previously implicated in behavior; and the sixth is a long non-coding RNA, 4933413L06Rik, of unknown function. Variation in transcriptome and epigenetic modalities occurred preferentially in excitatory neurons, suggesting that genetic variation is more permissible in excitatory than inhibitory neuronal circuits. Our results relieve a bottleneck in using genetic mapping of QTLs to uncover biology underlying behavior and prompt a reconsideration of expected relationships between genetic and functional variation.

Alternate JournalCell Genom
PubMed ID38697120
PubMed Central IDPMC11099346
Grant ListR01 MH115979 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States