Psychoneuroimmunology Research Seminar


Seminar, one hour. Topics to be centered around current directions in psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), including social genomics, inflammation, and biological aging. Common molecular and immunological protocols used in PNI and current directions in PNI research, with emphasis on basic immunology and immunological/molecular biology and role of behavioral and psychological factors on immune and cell-aging processes. S/U grading.

This course addresses an unmet need for formal didactic training in psychoneuroimmunology. It will provide opportunities for graduate and postdoctoral level students to interact with knowledgeable experts in the field, provide critical information to young investigators on practical elements of study design and development in PNI, and given students time to discuss in a small class setting areas of specific interest in the PNI field. There are no other courses in the department of Psychiatry that might overlap with this course curriculum. There is a course offered in the winter quarter in the department of Psychology in which psychoneuroimmunology is the primary topic. We have corresponded with the instructor of this course, Dr. Bower, along with the Health Psychology graduate training program chair, Dr. Stanton. The both have reviewed the course syllabus and approved the content, stating that it does not conflict but rather will provide an excellent extension of training received in the existing Psychology course to interested graduate students.

 Judith E. Carroll, Ph.D.
Dates and Availability
Planned Days: 
Planned Months: 
 March, April, May, June
Planned Terms: 

300 Medical Plaza at UCLA

Course Code: 

Last updated: May 13, 2016 - 18:25